Part 24

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It was a week after Christmas and Chandler and I had night stand i guess because he left back to his ex that next day, Screw him I just need my daughter and my dad plus Mingus. I Showered and Dressed in plain black skinny jeans and a purple tank top and of course bra and panties. I walked out to see my brother and daughter walking out of her room. She was in a black onsie with blue jeans. "hey dad just left, he will be back later.:" I nodded as he handed my daughter to me. "So what are we going to do? Chandler said he was coming over later." I shook my head. "Nope I'm not going to be here if he is. He left me again!" he sighed softly but nodded. He kissed my head as I sighed, I got my daughter from Mingus and put her into her carseat. I was about to walk out when I seen Chandler and his girlfriend. I rolled my eyes slightly before I left. I headed over to the drivers side, when I opened my door his girlfriend came over. shoving a letter in my hands. 

It was from the state to chandler sayin they had gotten a notice that he was no longer in the picture basically and now has to pay child support. "How could you do tha?" I got into my car as i looked at her. "It wasn't me Child Services came to do an inspection of my house asked where he was and I said I don't have any idea." I told her as she got angry. I closed my door and headed out to the park. Once we got there I let the car run she is too little to play i just broke down. I won't ever be loved. I looked around to see happy families. I shook my head knowing that I had let my daughter down. She had a dad but he left because of me. I put my hand on my stomach wishing it would settle. There was a knock on my window as I jumped I looked up to see Skeet. I rolled down my window as he chuckled. "Wanna hang out with the kids are here not doing much but we are here." I nodded. 

So your probably wondering how I know the Famous Skeet from Riverdale huh? Well a few weeks ago when Mingus and I were out we bumped into his kids who were shopping. They fell in love with my daughter so we hit it off. 

I looked at my beautiful Destiny she cooed at me as I shut down my car, "Hey Braylee!!!!!" Naiia yelled as I laughed as Jakob looked up. I laughed as I waved at them. "Hey guys!" i said getting Des out of her car seat. "So what you doing at the park Mingus said we was busy." Naiia said as I rolled my eyes. "yeah well he is with my ex." She scoffed. "Typical male." She said as Skeet gave her a smirk. I bit my lip okay the man may be 48 a year younger than my dad but can you blame a girl you wouldn't tell me you wouldn't want him old or not...okay maybe just me...

I smiled at him, "I heard about you n Chandler nothing gets passed the news these days

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I smiled at him, "I heard about you n Chandler nothing gets passed the news these days." I laughed and nodded. "Tell me about it. I tend to ignore them. I am a Reedus though my dad loves the spot light with his girlfriend." I laughed making him smile. "So you and your family close?" he asked as I watched his kids play with Des. Smiling softly to myself, "I was raised by mother up until last year. She passed of Cancer and I was uh raped a couple months before that. Chandler thought we would be together for a long time but here we are he even put his name on her birth certificate." He chuckled. "Poor fool." I shrugged. "His own fault." I said softly making him chuckle. "Dad can we go i'm hungry." Jakob yelled, "want to come with us you can follow?" i nodded, "Only if you pay, that little girl is a lot of money." I laughed quietly. He chuckled  "At least you didn't have twins." He said quietly making me laugh softly. "True." Naiia came over with Des, "Are you guys joining us?" i nodded making her smile. "YAY!" i giggled making Destiny squeal. I smiled she looked around, her pretty eyes stopped at Skeet, "Dada" while motioning her hands. (Sorry if i have made Destiny a little older than before.)

_skipping to the diner_

He brought us to a small diner as i chuckled, I got out as Skeet got "His little Angel" out. I shook my head because Skeet loves her like his own i just dont want to hurt again. Jakob and Naiia ran in as Skeet and I just walked. "thanks for bringing us here." He chuckled, "She still feeding from the boob?" I blushed softly but nodded. "I'm surprised she is talking shes only 3 months." he smiled. "Must be smart like her mom." I shook my head. "Not that smart." He laughed making Destiny cling onto him more her little hand grabbed his shirt. "He bought her so much and yet he just left me." I whispered. "That is a boy not a man." Skeet said as he held the door opend and we headed in. The kids were already seated He and I sat down he put Des in my lap. I told Skeet that he can order anything for me. His kids smiled as my phone beeped. 

Dad: where are you Mingus said that you left after a fight with Chandler's girlfriend.

I rolled my eyes as Skeet put his hand on my shoulder.

Me: I'm with Skeet and his kids and my daughter eating. 

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