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It's been five years since Wilford. Since he kidnapped and torched (Y/N). Since me and Anti destroyed his wonderland. Since everything changed forever.

In the past five years, Wilford had been sentenced to life imprisonment in one of the highest security prisons in the world.

As for me and Anti, we managed to settle a deal with the police force. In return for them not arresting us and throwing us into the same dump as Wilford. I and Anti run a man hunt team, Anti dose all the computer stuff and I do all the muscle stuff. Were usually called out to do jobs if the police can't handle or simply don't want to handle the criminal. It's not that bad, it's just like being a hitman for the good guys instead of the bad guys. It was still hard to get used to the job but it wasn't that bad when I remembered it was all for (Y/N).

Speaking of (Y/N), after we saved her from Wilford we took her to a hospital. At the hospital, it was notified that she had three broken ribs, a punctured lung and internal bleeding. This led to her having to go into surgery immediately. However, during surgery she went into cardiac arrest and she died.

Thankfully the doctors managed to resuscitate her. She was pronounced dead for three minutes. After the surgery she was in hospital for a further four days to make sure she was okay and that the surgery had gone right. However, because of the heart attack her heart is now a lot weaker and her chances of having another heart attack are a lot higher. That's why I try and make her feel safe and happy as much as I can for example helping her re-build her business that I burnt to the ground.

Even though it was beautiful, we had to leave the cabin eventually and me and anti both agreed we didn't want to go back to our old place. Therefore we both two apartments right next door to one another. Anti 255, Me and (Y/N) 256. Everything was going great and it was just gonna get better especially next Friday night.

It's out!!! Would have been out earlier but haven't been able to publish it as I've been slammed with work as its only a couple of weeks until my coursework has to be finished and then I've got exams after exams after exams. But it's not gonna stop me from writing and getting this story out to you guys. Anyway, I hope you're excited! Ill see you in the next chapter.... Bye!

Let Darkness Deceive You ~ Darkiplier x Reader SequalWhere stories live. Discover now