Chapter 3

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Sirius sighed, immediately missing Remus's hands in his hair. If his prefect duties got in the way of his rant time, Sirius was definitely going to complain. No one was going to mess with his favourite werewolf playing with his hair. That was important time. Sirius was interrupted from his thoughts by James and Peter, who came and plopped down next to his feet.

"Thinking of a certain someone?" James teased.

"Shut up, Prongs," Sirius grumbled.

"Wait, what? Who is he thinking of?" Peter asked, ever so oblivious.

"Well-" James was cut off by Sirius lunging at him and shoving his hands in front of his mouth.

"Don't you dare say a word!" Sirius exclaimed as they rolled around on the floor while Peter sat on the couch, still confused.

"Is this what happens when I leave?" An amused voice asked from above them. Sirius and James froze and looked up.

"Ah, Remus!" James said, with a smug smirk. "We were just talking about you!"

"Wait, we were?" Peter scratched his head.

"No we weren't!" Sirius denied furiously.

"Oh we were! I get it now," Peter said, sinking back into the couch with a proud smile.

"Um," Remus said, before changing the subject. "Sirius, you said you needed to talk to me this morning?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," Sirius stuttered. "Come to our dorm?"

"Bring the chess set!" James called after them.

Remus nodded and they found themselves walking up the stairs. Sirius couldn't help but feel like he was walking to his doom. Today was the day that he would finally come out to Remus. He had finally decided to act on his feelings and the first thing he had to do was to find out if Remus was gay. He was hoping that him coming out would trigger Remus into telling him if he was gay or not. Sirius really hoped he was.

"Uh, Sirius?" Remus asked hesitantly. Sirius looked up in shock to realise that they had reached the room.

"Oh, right!" Sirius said. "So, um, the thing I wanted to say was. . . See, the thing is-"

"Sirius, are you okay?" Remus now sounded very worried. "Whatever it is, you can tell me."

Sirius took a deep breath. "Okay, but promise you won't ever think of me differently."

"I promise," Remus said quickly, wanting to know what had gotten Sirius so worked up.

"Well," Sirius paused before coming out with it. "I'm gay.'

He studied Remus' face, searching for any disgust or hatred. Instead, he got a sigh of relief and another emotion that he wasn't familiar with.

"Oh, that's it?" Remus said, relieved. "Well, I supposed I should tell you something too."

"What?" Sirius asked, hope unfurling in his chest.

"I'm also gay," he replied.

There it was, Sirius wanted to jump with joy and pump his fist in the air. Instead he was forced to stand still and give a large smile.

"So, we're the two gay Gryffindors?" He asked with a smirk.

"Sure," Remus agreed. "Let's go back downstairs?"

"Yeah, hold on," Sirius said, ducking down to his trunk to retrieve his battered chess set. "James wanted to play."

Remus opened the door for Sirius and together they walked down the steps. Sirius couldn't help but feel that there was a spring in his footsteps. He didn't care. Remus was gay and that meant there was a small chance that they could start dating, but that all depended on if Remus liked him or not.

"What were you guys talking about?" James asked when he caught sight of them.

"Oh, I was just telling him that I'm gay," Sirius said.

"Oh ok," James replied, holding out his hands for the chess set.

"Wait, did you already know?" Remus asked.

"Of course I did," James replied and seeing Remus' hurt look, added, "It was quite obvious but you're just a little oblivious Moony."

"And besides, I didn't tell him," Sirius said, ready to do anything for the hurt look to go away. However, at his words, Remus' face brightened and everything was fine.

The rest of the night was spent playing wizards chess and James cheating, because there's no way James could ever win against Sirius without cheating. That's what he told himself anyway.


Remus' heart was still beating from when Sirius had talked to him earlier. He could keep his eyes away from him and flushed at every small movement he made. It also didn't help that whenever Sirius lost a piece, he ran his hands through his long hair as he accused James of cheating. Remus didn't care if he was cheating or not. Usually he would be watching the game to see who was cheating. But today he had something more important on his mind.

Sirius was gay. Remus was the most hopeful than he had ever been in years. Shaking his head, he told himself to think logically. They'd been friends for five years, just because they were both gay didn't mean that it would change anything.

"You alright Moony?" Peter asked, where he was curled up on a chair, chewing on a Sugar Quill.

"Yeah, fine," Remus forced a smile. "Should you really be eating sugar before bed? Do you remember what happened last time?"

Peter flushed. Last time, he was hopping around the room, going from person to person asking questions that normally Sirius would only ask. It wasn't that big of a deal, but in Peter's eyes, in was mortifyingly embarrassing.

"Well, I just have to trust that you won't let that happened," he replied. Remus rolled his eyes. He looked away from Peter when he heard a loud exclamation.

"James!" Sirius shouted, jumping up and tackling his best friend.

"What just happened?" Remus asked Peter, who looked away smirking.

"I don't think I should be the one telling you that," Peter replied, skipping away to talk to Marlene.

Remus stared after him and shook his head exasperatedly. He closed his eyes and stretched, pulling long arms above his head. When he opened his eyes, he saw Sirius staring at him.

"Sirius?" He asked. "Did you need something?"

Sirius flushed and looked away. "Nope," he replied.

James snorted, making Sirius shove him away. They started to tussle and Remus took this as his cue to leave. He made his way up to their dorm room and flopped onto his bed after changing into his pyjamas. He looked at the place where Sirius came out to him and smiled. He slowly drifted off to sleep and was unaware of a certain black haired boy, that held his heart, come and pull the covers over his body.


I'm alive guys! Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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