The temporary team!

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Lilys  P.O.V

          As I walk into the train station I don't see Happy or Carla so I fly above the crowd of people. I still don't see them so I go and get our tickets and sit on a bench near the entrance of the station.

Carla P.O.V

          I flew to the train station and spoted Lily and flew over to him. Once he saw me he looked at the clock  and said"wow. Your 15 minutes early now we just need to wait for Happy." I smiled and replied" Well I didn't want to be late so I came early.". After that we waited in a comfortable silence.

Happy P.O.V

          As I got to the train station I spoted Lily and Carla sitting on a bench. I walked up to them and greeted them with a smile saying" Hey guys ready for the muission?". Carla replied first by saying "yes... hey happy where did you get those clothes?". I glanced down almost forgetting my new out fit. I replied " oh master gave it to me in a magic box.".
          Both Carla and Lily looked at me and for a second I thought they thought I was stupider than I thought until they said at the same time" No way master gave me a magic box too!". We all laughed and boarded the train ready for our new adventure.

Sorry for the short chapter. Next chapter will be them on the train.

-Kitty ~Chan

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