Please read the authors note at the bottom.
Harper's P.O.V.
I took Sophia over into another room, which turned out to be a bedroom. I saw a window on the far wall. And I rushed toward it. Throwing open the curtains, I heard Sophia whimper from my side. I quickly glanced back at the door. The guy was making his way down the hallway. I scrambled to unlock the window, fumbling with the latch on the side. My fingers didn't seem to work. But after lots of failed attempts, I finally managed to unlock the window and open it.
"Hello?" The guy said in a sing-song voice. he appeared in the doorway just as I had kicked the screen down. I helped Sophia through, then went through myself. the man lunged at the two of us, missing, just barely. Sophia and I ran the first second we could. By this time, the woman was chasing us as well.
However, we had a lead, so they were pretty far behind us. But that didn't make us stop. We couldn't. We were a mess. Dirt and grime all over our bodies, tears were streaming down Sophia's face, sweat lining mine. By the time we got to the woods I first came through to get here, they were pretty far back, but not far enough. We kept going.
In about the center of the forest. We stopped. I helped Sophia up the tree and we rested.
"Sophia!" I finally said. I wrapped my arms around her. I expected myself to cry, but surprisingly there were no tears. My body was used to being strong now, strong for myself and for the people around me.
"Harper!" She sat on my lap and hugged me back. "Where are we going to live?" She asked."Well, we'll stay here until the morning, then...we'll find my parents!" I came up with. Sophia, apparently, was too tired to question it. I looked down at her sleeping face. So innocent, so delicate, so beautiful. I couldn't let what happened to me happen to her. But the more I looked at her, the more I understood the moment: I was alone, I was being chased, I was scared.
Pats P.O.V.
Jen and I ran into a forest, not exactly knowing where we were going. Oh well. I tripped over a root and fell onto my knees.
"Ouch!" Jen turned as saw me on the ground. She jogged back and helped me up.
"I guess we could rest here for tonight," Jen said, looking around. She helped me over to a tree and we climbed it. It was pretty tall, so only climbed about halfway up."Hey, Pat?" Jen said after a bit of silence.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Will we ever find Harper?"
"Well... I'd like to think so." I replied. I looked over to see Jen crying. Soon I joined her.
"I-I just miss her so much!" Jen cried. We heard a beep.We looked around to see nothing but trees and leaves. Jen reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone.
On the front it had a single text message from Ms. Johnson. It said:
Jen! Harper is gone! Along with another one of our children that she is very close to ! Do you know where she is?"Harper! She's probably gone looking for us!" I exclaimed. Jen looked back down at her phone and typed a message. She read what she was going to send and read what Ms. Johnson said. They had a long conversation (picture) before she put her phone down and away. She leaned back against the tree and fell asleep.
I didn't fall asleep so fast though. I stayed awake for what felt like hours.
Was the sound that made me jump out of my skin. But, fortunately, it was only an owl. The brown owl looked at me with its glowing, yellow eyes. It's ruffled feathers made it have an odd shape. It hooted again before flying away.I saw the mysterious, brown figure fly across the sky. That owl, was the only thing that gave me hope before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
My dream was something that I've never dreamed about before. Not about Harper, not about Jen or minecraft. I saw a small girl. (Listen to video for this point on) She was cowering against a wall as people were buzzing around her.A man had a death grip on her arm and she was crying. The man didn't seem to care, though he knew she was crying. He dragged her away and she screamed. No one around her seemed to care either. The girl was whimpering loudly. But it didn't stop, even after the man walked away from her and didn't look back.
Hey guys! I'm kinda having a writers block. I want something big to happen but the story would be really short.
Tell me what you guys think. Do you like the music with the story?
Do my pictures fit the story?3+ votes and 5+ comments for the next chapter.
Tell me if you guys like the story. If 8 or more dislike it, I'm going to discontinue it. I don't want to, but I really don't know what to write.
Just tell me what you guys think, and I'll go from there.
Enjoy! Thanks! Bye - Ella
Turning Tables ||Adopted by Pat and Jen|| (Sequel to Living on the Streets)
ספרות חובביםHarper is now 8 years old and is back in the orphanage. She must find away to get her sister and her parents back. Henry is still after the 8 year old and wants her for him self. She has to get her family back...without being killed. This is the se...