My first friend

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School flew by in a Giffy. I showed Alec around the school and he knew almost everywhere already. Usually I would walk home by myself or take the bus but recently knowing that Alec lived nearby I had company. "So why did your mom move here?" I asked on our walk home. "Cause she thought coming to California would be nice. Its her first time here. She's Alabamian so she's used to there!" He said.

"Oh, oh. Most of the time I wish to go to another country to know what it feels like. I just think that California is boring and full of too much drama, too much bullies. And it feels like its the only place with bullies."

"In Alabama, Hollywood, Moscow and Jamaica you'll find a lot of that, no need to worry yo big butt!" He joked. "What?" I laughed.

I was 1 minute away from my house. When I reached I smiled. "So see you later?" I said questioningly. "Yeah and remember we have to exchange our gifts for the BBFFC, let's meet at the diner, at 6, " he grinned and ran off to his house beside mine.

I laughed and went inside. Suddenly I went upstairs to my room and had a shower, washing my hair at the same time. BBFFC!!!, I thought in mind. As Alec said, it meant BECOMING BESTFRIENDS FOREVER CEREMONY!!!! I actually don't know what he likes but being the nice person I am I'll buy him 3 gifts.

I needed to know things boys liked. I knew exactly what to buy.

I put on a pink Moschino knit logo tank top and acid washed jeans with my white converses and sprayed on some Jadore perfume adding some strawberry lip gloss with sprinkles. I picked up my phone and purse with $500 then threw my phone in after.

I hopped down the stairs without saying a word to my parents.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked. "No where that concerns you!" I retorted. "Ava Abigail Windsfield!" My father bellowed. "There are two options. Stay here or tell us where you're going!"

I held a straight but upset face. "Why do you wanna know. Its not like you even care. You never have, you never will." "Do you remember who you're speaking to?" My father asked, putting his hands akimbo. "I'm going out with a friend!" I said, feeling the tears sting my eyes. "Dressed like that?" My mother asked. "Marcus don't let her go out in that!" She said, her face held disgust. "Let her go dressed as the whore she is. Everyone knows that she's one," he retorted looking away. The tears came up and at that time I knew I messed up. I didn't want to show them that they put me down, but that went wrong.

"I hate you all so much!!" I yelled and slammed the door, running to Walmart. The tears stopped on my run and as soon as I reached I stopped crying. I looked around. I went to the booze isle and picked out one of the  best booze, Ciroc vodka. Then where they had the games. I saw FIFA, Dream League, WCC, GTA etc. I picked NBA2k17. Then went to the counter with headphones, earphones etc and picked out a pair of beats earphone.

I went to the cashier and checked it up.

Earphones: $44.99
Ciroc Vodka: $1.99
NBA2k17: $79.99
Total: $126.97

I paid her and she packed everything in a white Walmart bag with Walmart in blue and wished me a good day before I smiled at her and left the store. I made my way to the diner and checked the time. It was 6:15p.m. I was 15 minutes late. My eyes widened and I sped up.

The diner was in view with the big flickering sign that said Dinah's Diner. I hurried and looked around. Spotting Alec was a hard task due to the population of people in the diner but in the end I ended up sighting him. His head was down, attracted to whatever it is he was doing on the phone. I smiled and made my way over to him.

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