When Two Are One

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"What do you want, Cameron?"

The small, sheepish smile that had been on Cam's face seconds ago faded when he saw my expression.

"We need to talk, Blake." He glanced toward Shay and Wes a few feet away, "Alone." I crossed my arms over my chest, shaking my head.

"We don't. Just go home, Cameron." I made a gesture with my hand, keeping my eyes wandering everywhere but him.

I knew Cam all too well, which meant he probably knew every little thing about me too. He knew that I'd cave when I saw his big, bottomless brown eyes.

"Blake, come on." He started to make his way toward me, but Wes stepped in his way, blocking me from his view.

"She said to back off, Cam." Cam's expression twisted from one of guilt to anger within seconds.

"Move it, Daniels." He shoved Wes back. I saw Shay's eyes flash with worry when she looked over at me, her lips parted.

"You think I'm scared of you, Mendoza? You're all bark and no bite." I could tell by the tone in Wes' voice that he was taunting Cam; and it seemed to be working.

"Yeah?" Cam laughed coldly, "At least I don't follow Blake around like an abused puppy with no home. You think she'd ever want someone like you, Daniels? Hate to break it to you, but you're too much of a little bitch for her." Before Shay or I could throw ourselves forward, Wes threw a punch that made contact directly with Cam's nose.

I hurried forward, grabbing Cam's wrists in my hand before he could throw his own punches at Wes.

"Let's go talk." I sent Shay a look, to which she nodded in understanding to and crossed the room to Wes.

I dragged Cam up the stairs to my room, watching him wipe the blood trickling from his nose with the back of his sleeve.

Once we were in my room, I slammed my door shut behind me and stood in front of it so Cam couldn't get back out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snapped.

"With me? Your little boytoy is the one that started it, Blake! If he would have minded his own God damn business then nothing would have happened." I opened my mouth, then shut it after a second when I realized that he was kind of right.

"What do you want, Cameron?" I whispered after a few minutes of silence.

"Stop calling me that," He muttered, "I'm sorry." I snorted, shaking my head to myself.

"What was that?" He lifted his head, sending me a paralyzing glare.

"Look, Blake. What I said was messed up, I know that. It was uncalled for. But you should be apologizing too." I stared him down for a second before turning my back to him and heading for my bed.

"Blake, stop acting like a five year old!" He barked out, following me.

"Just say something!" He demanded a second later, obviously coming to the conclusion that I wasn't going to respond.

"What do you expect me to do? Run into your arms and say everything is okay?" I breathed out, giving him a dark look.

"Kinda," He responded, "Seriously, Blake, I said I was sorry." I sat on my bed, fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt.

"You think my life is all rainbows and butterflies, right? Because I get good grades and read all the time. You wouldn't last a day in my shoes, Cameron." He looked taken back by my response, his lips thinning out into a small line on his face.

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