The Young and The Breathless

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"How do you run these without passing out?"

I whispered, my breathing catching in my throat as I slapped my hands against my knees. Cam was laughing, looking as if he could run a whole other mile without sounding like an elephant struggling to breathe.

"A master shall never reveal his secrets." He teased. I frowned, shaking my head as I stood back up to face him.

"I think it's a magician shall never reveal his secrets, idiot." I responded, starting to pick up my pace again so Mr. Rayland didn't catch me and make me run the entire thing again.

"Fine, I'll tell you." He slowed down, but even with his slower pace, he was still a few feet ahead of me. I guess that's what I got for having a tall and lanky best friend, his strides were always twice the length of mine.

"I keep myself distracted so I'm not so focused on running," He paused, nodding toward one of the girls in our glass across the field, "by staring at girls boobs. You know, watching them bounce as they run. It always distracts me and keeps me moving because I know I'll be able to talk to them once I'm done." He explained, earning a disgusted, but understanding, look out of me.

"Because that's not creepy at all." I shuddered.

"What do you mean?" he replied.

"Do you just walk up and go, "Hey, I was watching you run and thought you had a nice rack, want to go out sometime?" I had to force myself to start running again to catch up with Cam, waiting for his response.

"You make me sound like some sort of sexist pig, Blake." He shook his head, "I wait until the first date to tell them that." He winked before taking off and finishing his final lap. I slowed down, watching after him with a small smile.

"Is something funny, Ms. Hart?" Mr. Rayland barked, "Because if you don't pick up your pace, I'll let you have you laugh at your own jokes while you run the laps again." I fought the urge to roll my eyes and started running again, catching Cam laughing on the bleachers as I passed by.


"Mr. Rayland is an ass." I grumbled, kicking my feet on to my desk as I watched the boring History biography that I pretty much knew everything about, from the back of the room.

"You don't even know the half of it." Ray said with a crooked grin, "Try being on one of the teams, I'm sure he exercises them into the ground." I laughed, shaking my head at his response.

"I feel bad for his wife. Imagine how demanding he is at home, and in bed." Someone else piped in from a few desks away. We all laughed, finally catching the teacher's attention. He fixed the thicked rimmed glasses that had fallen askew on his nose and looked right at me.

"One more word and you'll be getting another detention, Ms. Hart. Are we clear?" I sighed, feeling a little guilt starting to creep up on me, but I pushed it down before it could grow any bigger.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry."


I stood in front of my mirror for more than two hours trying to choose between two dresses or just a normal outfit.

It would have been easier if Shay was here to put her two cents in, but I couldn't talk to her, not yet. I was still trying to figure out this whole "bad girl" thing and I knew that if I talked to her, she would be able to convince me to break this whole bet with Cam.

"The royal blue one." My best friend's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, yanking me by the hair back into reality.

He was on my balcony, cleaning his glasses with the bottom of his shirt.

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