The Test

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Cam made his way back to me about a minute after Wes walked out the door.

He was smiling, a sad look in his eyes as he took in my emotions. Something he'd been able to read like a book since we were kids.

"You okay?" I nodded.

"I think it'll be better now, actually. Having. . . having the feelings all cleared up and being able to say goodbye. I can move on." He pulled me into a side hug, nodding.

"I love you more than you could even begin to imagine, Blake. Just know that I'm here if you need to talk about him, as a friend, a boyfriend, a psychiatrist. Whatever you need, I'm here."


After bidding Shay and Raymond a quick goodbye, we headed out about an hour and a half before the dance ended. Cam was suggesting multiple restaurants we could head too, but I wasn't even close to being hungry and just forced him to take us back home.

I was beyond surprised when we pulled into a CVS parking lot and he put the car in park, his eyes as dark as the night sky.

"What are we doing here?" I glanced over my shoulder, "I don't think they sell real food here, Cam." I tried to joke, hoping he's at least crack a smile.

He only stared at me blankly.

"I didn't stop here for food. There's a Chinese take-out place up the street." He pulled the keys from the ignition slowly, "You know exactly what we're here for, Blake." I leaned back in my seat, forcing my eyes shut.

"Why now, Cam? I wanted to have a great night, one to remember-"

"Would you rather lay in bed all night and wonder, Blake? Because I sure as hell don't want to spend my Prom night laying in bed and letting the thought of my girlfriend, my best friend, being pregnant bounce around in there." I climbed out of the car without another word, feeling his fingers lace through mine halfway through the parking lot.

The bell that went off above my head broke me out of my dazed state, startling Cam just as bad. He jumped back, his head whipping up in shock.

He led me through the store, my hand gripping his tighter and tighter the closer we got to the feminine care isle.

"How many?" Cam croaked, his hand shaking a little as he brushed it across the boxes laid out in rows in front of us. I shook my head, wrapping my hands around his bicep.

"Mom said at least two to be sure that it's accurate. B. . . but we don't have to do this tonight. We-"

"Blake," He turned and took my face in his hands, so gentle that I barely felt his hands against my cheeks, "We've got to do this."

He swept three of the tests into his arms and led me back toward the front counter, grabbing a few chocolate bars along the way and tossing them up beside the tests.

"How are you?" Cam asked the cashier, catching her eying the pregnancy tests with a dirty look. She lifted her head in surprise, her eyes scanning the boy's face in front of her.

"I'm good. How are you?" They carried on a conversation as she rang everything up, acting as if I were no more than a piece of scenery behind Cam.

He waited until we were back to the car to finally speak to me directly, the color in his knuckles gone as he gripped the steering wheel.

"Once we do this, it's over, Blake. The pain of not knowing, the feeling of desperation. It'll be gone when we see the results on those tests."


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