Chapter 2-He's Back

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(A.N. This chappie is based off of Everytime by Britney Spears. Please take a listen!)

Rylan's P.O.V

Right in front of my face stood my bestfriend of sixteen years. What do I do? I mean, if he remembers me then I'm going to make the best of it. And from the look on his face, it seems he doesn't.

"JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I gave him a huge hug. This is the first time I've smiled in years.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not famous at the moment, no autographs." He chuckled.

"Why would I want that?" I giggled and made a face.

"....Oh your.....not a fan?" He knitted eyebrows together. I knew he wouldn't remember.

"What are you talking about?"

".....What are you talking about?" He looked so confused.

That's it. All of those memories we spent together for sixteen years straight, all down the toilet. Each day I thought about him, he wasn't doing the same. He hardly cared. I would talk to the sky, hoping he'd be talking back. But now I see, he was never talking back because he never cared. I glanced at my mom, giving her the 'Remember what I asked' look. He doesn't need to know my name.

"Nothing." I grimaced and went into my music room, locking the door. I can't stand to be in a room that doesn't have a lock on the door.

I sat at my piano and got out a song I wrote. Trust me, I do this all the time. (BTW: Its Every Time by Britney Spears)

Notice me,

Take my hand.

Why are we,

Strangers when

Our love is strong?

Why carry on without me?

And everytime I try to fly,

I fall without my wings,

I feel so small.

I guess I need you baby.

And everytime I see you in my dreams,

I see your face, your haunting me

I guess I need you baby.


(They're eleven)

"Justin!! Come on! Mom's making spaghetti!" I yelled behind me while still pedaling on my bike. He didn't answer, but I knew that any second he'd be right in front of me.

But he never was. I stopped my bike and turned around. He was pedaling really slow, but in a jolly mood.

"I want pizza today." He smiled and I gasped. "Come on, let's go to Joey's." And we pedaled to Joey's Pizzeria.

"Hey Jo!" We said in unison when we made it inside.

"Ahh, my favorite kids! What will it be? Small pizza?" He questioned in his thick Itallian accent.

Justin nodded and we walked to our favorite booth. "How come you wanted pizza all of a sudden?" I made a face.

"We had spaghetti at my place last Wednesday. I'm kinda sick of it." He frowned just a little.

"Justin Bieber, sick of spaghetti? It's miracle!!" I cheered, earning a laugh fron Justin.

"Why? Because you guys' pizza is ready?" Joey came up with a four-slice pizza.

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