Chapter 10- Why Wouldn't You?

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He tugged and and pulled while I did the same, only in the other direction.

"Dude, let me go!" I whined, trying to unpry his fingers from around my wrist.

"Nope. You should've been honest when I asked the first two times, and then we wouldn't have to do all of this."

"You don't understand!" I stopped in my tracks. He didn't turn around until after a few seconds. His jaw was clenched and he stood to where our noses were inches apart.

"And what exactly don't I understand?" He said. I could see his glare turn dark and his breath hovered my nose.

What was he doing? This isn't the Justin I remember. Even two hours ago he wasn't this much of a creep. He rolled his eyes before turning around and pulling me again.

"Hey you!" Justin yelled once Jace came into sight.

"Ju-Justin please don't. I'll do whatever I can to make it stop. I-I'll tell you everything!" I begged.

"Shut it." He muttered and stopped at Jace and his crew. "Now, she has a cut on her side and I was wondering if you could tell me where it came from."

Jace looked at me and chuckled before answering. "Well, first off let me tell you that she is a very demanding brat. She hits me almost all the time. See this cut?" Hr pointed to the scab on his cheek. "And this knot?" He showed us his head.


"She did that. All of the scars you see on me? You can thank her. The truth is, I try to help her, but she just beats me up." He informed.


"No! How could you sit and beat up this guy and act like he makes your life miserable?!" Justin looked at me with eyes of disbelief.

Was he being serious?

"Wait, what?" I choked. "You believe him? I would never-"

"So, you didn't do any of that?" Justin asked.

"We-Well, I did but only be-"

"Exactly! Why wouldn't you do it?! You obviously hate everyone and we all know that you'd cut anyone, anyday! Why couldn't you just tell the truth, or better yet: Not be a bully!" He yelled in my face.

I was shocked. I couldn't say anything. The fact that Jace could actually lie to Justin, and watch him turn on me, that shows that he really does hate me. For no reason.

"Don't you ever talk to me again." I mumbled before yanking my hand away from his grip that had softened and walked home.

"No problem!" He yelled, and actually stayed to talk to Jace.

Normally, I'd run. But I wanted to stop and think. Are Justin and Jace going to become friends and gang up on me. Who knows what I'd do then?

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