Chapter 12- Too Good To Be True

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My eyes grew wide. My heart rate increased. My eyes filled with tears. This could ruin everything.

I looked to Jace with pleading eyes but the rest of my body was frozen. I just sat and stared at him with sad eyes.

Jace gave me a look that was indescribable. All I knew is that it made my stomach churn.

"N-no. I never asked." He said with no expression.








There has to be something else to his plan that's way worse than this. What if he tells him everything? From me and Justin being best friends to me screaming that I hated him one day at school. I swear, I'd have to kill him.

Justin chuckled before answering. "Well, let's get it out of her." He walked up to me and kicked me in the stomach, without a warning.

"Come on. Tell us!" He kicked again and again and again.

I didn't stop him. I know I said I was never ever going to be bullied, but this was different. I couldn't stop him. He was Justin. My best friend for life. The person I depended on when I was hurt, scared, or just angry. The person that told me that Eventing would be alright, as long as he was alive. I couldn't imagine him doing something this cruel. So I imagined that it was Jace.

"Huh?! Speak up! Come on! Hit me back!" He kicked more and more.

I tried to come up, but he kicked nearsighted in the face.

(Okay guys, I think it would be a billion tines better if you went to YouTube and typed in 'Fight scene from Girlfight '. Its a 1:30 video so It won't take long to watch. That would be so great and you would get a visual of What He's doing to her.)

"Justin take it easy man." Jace interfered.

"No! Tell me your name! Do it!" He pulled me you by my hair so that his face was inches from my bloody one.

I just closed my eyes tightly together, hoping he would just hit me so I could just die already. That way, I wouldn't have to deal with the emotional, physical, and mental pain I'm facing.

"Justin chill man." Jace tugged at his arm.

"Tell me! Come on, hit back!" He screamed. Why was he doing this? He slapped me across the face, still screaming at me. More blows were thrown at my face as I silently cried.

"JUSTIN STOP!!" Jace pulled him back.

"Come on! If anyone hears us we're dead! Let's go!" He grabbed his arm and yanked him out of the house.

I couldn't get you if Jesus was standing in front of me saying that he would give Justin back his memory. I lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling until I slowly blacked out.

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