The post office

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A man strolls up to the post office counter, leans over the till, his very presence filling the room. He coughs exactly three times before the attendant takes any notice. His voice booms:

"I am here to collect my package!"

The volume of his voice startles the man behind the counter, who takes a moment to look him up and down.

A peculiar hat sits upon his head placed on top of neatly trimmed hair. He has a perfectly shaped suit, brilliantly tailored to fit him, just like a glove yet loose enough to not show his well-formed body shape.

The cashier trembles slightly

"Y...yes of course Sir, what was your name, s...sir?"

"Sir Charles Bentley" he demands "and the parcel is wrapped in brownish paper so hurry along!"

The cashier looks confused for a moment before retreating into the depths of the post office in search of the requested parcel. Once the man leaves the room, Charles's shoulders relax and his demanding manner subsides.

The bell above the shop door tinkles as a shapely woman wanders in. She skips towards Charles and wraps her arms around his waist snuggling her face into his jacket. Charles smiles and pats her hands softly. But they quickly let go once the attendant walks back into the room, empty handed. Showing affection in public is not acceptable. A frown appears across Charles's face and his demanding demeanour returns, scaring the assistant even more.

"Sir... C...Charles I am sssssorry but your parcel is not here anymore"

Before Charles can speak the woman standing behind him steps briskly in front of him.

"My kind Sir, as you have politely explained to my ill-mannered friend here, the brown paper package he is politely requesting is not currently in your possession," she sweetly announces. She's so beautiful with her tightened corset, extravagant hat along with a horribly expensive feather boa wrapped around her arms. Yet when guns blaze and death strikes down around her, she can be so deadly.

The attendant looks at her, surprised a woman would take over a man's business.

"Well, yes," before he can continue, she interrupts him.

"It is Lady Stafford to you!" she turns her nose up at him, showing she was bred in the higher class. 

The attendant's eyes bulge at the mention of a Lady.

"'Scuze me Lady Stafford, sorry milady the package you and your friend are searching for I believe was picked up not too long ago," he pauses for a second "A Lady such as yourself, claimed a package, she said it was an unnamed brown paper parcel," He points towards the river "She said something about going to the river Thames to meet a... friend I believe..."

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