Capture The Flag

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This is Hestia, goddess of the hearth.

Luna POV

Alice sat next to me and we started to talk about random stuff, like trying to guess who our parents are and stuff like that.

Alice said that she thought that maybe my dad was Apollo but the I told her that I already had a father and my parent would probably be a woman.

She then told me that maybe my mom was Demeter because of my calmness.

I told her that I agree with her but I have a feeling it isn't her.

Then I told her that maybe since she only had a mom that maybe her dad was Ares because she told me how skilled she was with a sword and dagger.

She said that maybe that was true because her mom works at a gun range.

We laughed a little bit and told jokes but then Chiron coughed to get our attention.

"Everyone, tonight is capture the flag. Athena's Cabin and there team vs Ares Cabin and there team." Chiron said.

When the teams where announced the teams cheered.

"Also we have one more announcement, there are two new campers" Chiron said "Alice, Luna, come here."

We walked up to the front and a hush fell over the campers.

"This is Alice Wish" Chiron said and Alice stepped forward and then said "hi" before going backwards.

"And this is Luna..." Chiron stopped at the end, I realized that he didn't know my last name.

"I am Luna Valkyrie, it's nice t meet you all" I said calmly and stepped forward.

I heard some people start to whisper and I caught a few of the mutterings.

Maybe she is a spy.
Who is she?
She looks suspicious.
She acts like a goddess, what if she is one?

The last one made me giggle and I stepped backwards.

Alice took hold of my hand and I saw that she was nervous.

I quietly led her back to our seats.

We both sat down and then Chiron walked off.

I was about To take a bite of my food when I saw that everyone was going to the fire and dumping there best portions of there food into the fire.

I nudged Alice and she looked at me and saw what the people where doing.

"Oh, come on let's do it, I think it's like sacrifices" she said and stood up with her plate.

We both walked to the fire and dumped our best portions of our me into the fire before goings and siting down.

We then started to eat our food.

I was starting to feel more at home here, maybe this was my destiny.

Suddenly another horn rang and people started to chant. "Capture The Flag!! Capture The Flag!! Capture The Flag!!"

Alice and I started to chant too and everyone started to run towards the woods.

Alice and I ran over to a table that a few other people where at.

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