Chapter 4 "A Man in The Ocean?"

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I still couldn't get over that! He was looking right at me, and I was looking right back at him! Who was he? I have to know. I'm going back and I'm gonna sit and wait for him to come back. I don't want to scare him so I tied Makkachin next to a tree behind the sand.

Yuri's POV

What is wrong with me?! I was seen! By a human! And he was inches away from me!
I covered my eyes and began to cry.
You could of gotten caught! He could of harmed you! What if there was a harpoon waiting for you?! My anxiety haunted and taunted me with "what ifs" and "you coulds" It was a punishment for my stupid actions.

"Yuri?" Someone cried out.
I turned around, it was my closest friend, Phichit.
"Are you okay? I heard you scream from the surface and you're crying.."
"Wh-what? Oh.. Yeah, it was nothing.." I tried to ignore the fact that it was anything but nothing.

"Nothing? You screamed like a girl! I thought somebody was drowning.." Phichit said.
I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly. I cried on his shoulders.
"Hey, it's going to be alright, it's not like a human saw you."
I cried even harder.
"Woah." Phichit pushed me off of him and he grabbed my shoulders.
"Yuri, what happened?" He said, more sternly.
"I don't want to tell you." I said reluctantly.
"Yuri, I promise I won't tell anyone. You can trust me, right?" Phichit looked at Yuri as seeious as he could. He wasn't playing any games.

"I-I saw a human having a picnic on the beach. Something smelled really good and I wanted to investigate and he saw me peeping from the surface!" I regretted telling him what I just said.
"Yu-Yuri!" Phichit shouted.
"Are you crazy?! You don't know if that human was capable of hurting you! He could of took you away!" Phichit had a worried look on his face. It was as if he was about to cry.
"He didn't mean any harm, he was having lunch with his dog. When he approached me, we just looked at each other, and he dog leaped at me!" I tried to make the man sound as innocent as possible.
"Yuri, that's dangerous. You can't be snooping around near humans just because you smell food! Plus, between you and me, I don't think you should be eating any human food.."
"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked anxiously.
Phichit raised an eyebrow.
"Wha- H-hey! I'm not that- Stop it!!" I was quite offended.
Phichit burst into laughter and patted the blushing red Yuri on the back.
"Hey. I was just joking with you! But seriously, stay away from the humans."
Phichit pointed cautiously at Yuri, and he swam away.

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