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| The A U T H O R Tries to Write a Poem |

Shooting stars, running moon, chasing sun

Black coat, black mane, black death

Fighting spirit, warrior heart, planning mind

Jupiter's ascent, Crest's victory, Dil's demise

Power blood, magic fingers, immortal body

She lost, he won, they survived

They fought, he died, she lived

The horse doesn't run from the master,

The master fears the horse

– The Victor's March by Cale Diph


[N O T E]: If you actually read that, give me a high five - because I have no idea what any of that means. I just sort of spewed nonsense and decided it read okay. Who knows, maybe it actually describes this entire story. :P #ifailatpoemsanddontreallycare #illprobablyfixitlater #imhappy #areyouhappy

| V O T E and C O M M E N T please |

Thank you,

Have a wonderful day,



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