I Don't Feel Good pt.2

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The doctor gasps.
"What? Is something wrong?" Tobin says getting nervous.
"Oh, um no. His tonsils are very large, I've never seen anything like it. He needs an emergency surgery."
"Well we have to do what's best for him." Alex says answering for all of them.
"Alright. Well a nurse will be in shortly to hook you up." The doctor says exiting.
Jackson looks at Alex and Tobin, scared.
"Everything will be okay Jackson, you won't remember a thing." Alex says taking her son's hand and then looking at Tobin. Tobin smiles nervously, for she isn't that confident with the medical stuff. She hates hospitals, doctors, and needles. Alex smiles and takes Tobin's hand as well.
The nurse then comes in the doorway.
"Jackson Heath?" She says.
Jack nods. "Hi I'm nurse Ramirez. I'll be taking care of you today. Have you ever had surgery?" She asks.
"Yes, I got stitches in my eyebrow when I was eight." Jack replies.
"Alright, ever been under before?"
"Under?" Jack says puzzled.
"She means have you ever had something to make you sleep in a surgery." Tobin says.
"Oh....no" Jack replies anxious.
"Alright, so first time. So, I'm just gonna hook you up to some machines, and I'll give you some sleeping gas, you won't remember a thing." She says reassuring the nervous boy.
Jack takes a breath and looks at his parents, who give him loving and reassuring looks.
"Alright, and know you're gonna go to sleep. You wanna say goodbye to your parents?"
Jackson nods.
Nurse Ramirez looks at Alex and Tobin and gives them a signal. Jackson doesn't know what it means, but at this time, he doesn't really care.
"You'll be fine Jackson." Alex says rubbing his arm.
"Yea, it'll be over before you know it." Tobin adds.
Jackson nods, squeezing Alex's hand.
He feels sleepy. Very, very sleep. Jackson's eyes shut and the procedure begins.......
The end.

Authors note
Hey guys!!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I broke my leg! Just grind to do all normal stuff is hard, so I couldn't really focus on the book. I'm back though! Be on a look out for a new chapter in this book and in Trust Me later today.
Stay awesome!!!

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