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    "Ugh, how much longer till the bus gets here?" Axel spoke impatiently. Today was the first day of school after summer, the kids and their parents had set the whole villains fiasco behind them when school started up again. Now they were waiting for the bus that would take them to the Elemental Academy, a private school designed for kids of elemental masters, snakes, skeletons, really anything paranormal. "Let the bus be late, I need to fix my hair!" Alio spoke in distress as Izzy held quite a large mirror up for his sister. That's when a yellow bus rolled up to take them all to school, the kids piling in. They would've gone with their parents, but they get up too early anyway. Each of the ninja decided to take a job of some sorts at the school to keep an eye on their kids. Kai and Rosco were PE coaches, Lloyd was a science teacher, Jay and Cole taught history, Zane and Nya were in the school's main group of substitute teachers, and Kat was the orchestra director.

    "Now, who can tell me what contribution the elemental masters made during the Anacondri War?" Jay spoke, pointing the dry erase marker at the board. Zenith raised his arm to answer as Shauna and Axel whispered to one another. They were glancing over at Eliot who was listening to the teacher talk boredly. "Poor, Eliot, he's been so sad since T.A.I.U left," Shauna whispered. Axel nodded, staring at his friend. "We really gotta get him a real girlfriend,"

    "Mr. Walker! Axel and Shauna are talking!"

    Jay cleared his throat loudly to get his students to pay attention, pointing back at the board. "As I was saying, the elemental masters served a big purpose in the Anacondri War," he continued. The students went back to listening, it was gonna be a long first day. That's when he was saved by the lunch bell, sighing, he watched happily as some stress melted away with the kids running away. Figures then poured into the room holding sack lunches, slurping down water and soda. "Hey, honey," Jay said pecking Nya's cheek. The ninja always came to Jay's classroom to eat lunch since it was a bit bigger than the rest. Kai plopped down on a desk, resting back as he plopped chips in his mouth. "Ew," Lloyd groaned lifting up gum that was stuck on his fingers after he placed his hand on a desk. Cole laughed at his friend, setting his hair in a bun.

    "So, Kai, how is the saving coming along?" Zane questioned, sipping his iced tea. Rosco glanced at her husband who sighed hearing the question. The two had been saving up for Crystal's Sweet Sixteen party, even working overtime to get her everything for the party. "Nearly done, few more paychecks and we got it," Kai chuckled with a tired smile.

     "Nelio, you're new, so let me spill the rules to you," Summer said as she pilled her books into Shark's arms for him to carry them. The boy raised his brow, there were no rules for "social ladders" in his time. Summer looked back at him once Shark looked ready to faint for how many books he was holding. "Rule one, don't hang out with people that are below you," she said. She jabbed a finger at Alio and Elizabeth, the master of magic was pretending to despise the blonde girl. Then when no one was looking they flashed a smile at eachother.

    "You're a new kid, your place hasn't come up yet. Alio's a popular, Elizabeth is a drama kid, drama kids are below populars," she further explained. She then pointed over to the Pale Boys, Poise, Jessie and Xander. They were Camille and Paleman's kids, and they were trouble. The triplets called themselves the Pale Boys. "Rule two. Stay away from them," Summer explained, "They're trouble,"

    "Lastly, is the main pyramid rule, the tree puppeteers that pull the strings are Heather Chen, Rosa Wiley an- Jadwiga Flynn!?" Summer screeched. She saw the three strut past wearing obvious expensive clothing, moving into the next classroom. "That couldn't be right! Franny should be leader not Jadwiga, c'mon Shark we gotta tell the others!" Summer called sprinting away.

   "I have lost all feeling in my arms..." Shark said going after his girlfriend. Nelio stood alone, confused on what Summer meant. Jadwiga watched with the Pale Boys from afar, Benny and the Pythor kids at her side. "He's like a little baby, easily manipulated..." Jadwiga smirked. Nelio had only recently been unfrozen and brought into the new century, he had no idea how things worked. "Get him," she snapped her fingers, Poise and Xander grabbing Nelio by his arms. Jessie grabbed the male's chin to face him, "Hey, buddy, we're gonna have a talk," he smirked, "We know your secret,"

    "Hey, guys," Nelio said walking to his friends, a smile on his face. The kids all gasped as they saw who he was holding hands with. "This is my new girlfriend,"


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