Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Father-Son Bonding

    "I cannot believe Nya wants another baby," Jay exclaimed as they all headed down towards the docks. The moms decided that the fathers needed to spend more time with their sons. So they borrowed Rosco's father's, Peter's boat and decided to go fishing. And of course by fishing they meant fishing for like thirty minutes before retreating below deck to watch football. Today was the Ninjago City Ninjas versus the Stiix Sharks, all of them cheering for the Ninjago City Ninjas. "Oh c'mon, Jay, she's just going through some woman thing," Kai said as he held Demo who was playing with his little fisherman hat. Jay rolled his eyes as they piled into the boat.

     The dads were truly overwhelmed as their sons were everywhere. Fin and Zenith started playing makeshift chess with Izzy's boy scout badges, the boy obviously mad over it. The triplets were trying to eat the worms they were using for bait. Eliot was still mourning his beloved T.A.I.U on top of the large cooler they got for drinks and snacks, Axel yelling at him because he wanted a soda. Then there was Rim who was using his powers and bringing all these dangerous fish out of the water. Lastly was Demo who was attempting to fish on his own but kept dropping fishing poles into the water. Derek would have come but he didn't seem to fully trust everyone yet. "Uh-oh," Demo said looking at Kai after dropping another fishing pole. The fire ninja sighed as he held back Zenith, Cole holding Fin and Izzy back from their fight over chess. "Demo, no more fishing, wait for daddy," he instructed.

     "Guys! The game's on!" Lloyd was heard yelling over the bickering, whining and crying of the males. They all immediately dropped what they were doing and rushed to watch the tv in Peter's small yacht. "Remember, don't mess up a thing or else Peter will make me divorce Rosco and move to Peru," Kai over exaggerated about his father in law. They all laughed and piled on the couch, grabbing the ribs they heated up minutes before. "Let the games begin!" Cole cheered.

     The guys and their sons piled back on deck chanting 'ninjas' since their favorite football team had won. "That game was incredible!" Fin cheered pumping his fist in the air. They all cheered and congratulated their fathers on a job well done with bonding time. "Ugh, guys, where's the harbor?" Lloyd called from the side of the ship.

    "What do you mean where's the harbor?" Zane asked before frantically looking around to see nothing but waves and sky as far as the eye can see. "There's nothing but ocean for miles!" he exclaimed. The nindroid's eyes then landed on the anchor, which was supposed to be overboard to keep them from drifting far away from land. He frowned and mentally facepalmed before looking back at the others. "Why didn't any of you imbeciles throw the anchor overboard to keep us from drifting?" Zane yelled at the other ninja. Jay just crossed his arms, "Well you're the smart one why didn't you do it?"

     "According to my scanners, land is that way," Fin said pointing in the direction of Ninjago, a small sliver of land barely visible. Zane's eyes glossed over with codes, calculating. "According to my calculations, it'll take about three hours for us to get back to land," he concluded. The men all groaned, knowing they wouldn't be back at seven in time for dinner like they told the females. "And tonight was taco night," Lloyd mumbled sadly.

    "Don't worry, i'm sure mommy will realize we're missing and wait for us," Izzy said hopefully. Cole nodded hearing his son's statement, "Yeah, I mean, what else could the moms be doing other than preparing dinner and waiting for the men to come home?"

     "We shoulda brought up father-son bonding years ago!" Nya cheered. The whole father-son bonding time was just a plan P.I.X.A.L made up so the females could all go shopping, run some errands and clean. "It's so much easier to get stuff done without the men screaming at the tv," Rosco said since the ninja had quite the habit of screaming at the tv whenever a football or basketball game was on. "So relaxing," P.I.X.A.L sighed happily, leaning against the wall.

    Axel watched Fin stare at the setting sun, as if he was analyzing the colors in the sky. The male knew for a fact Fin was getting jealous of him since he was spending so much time with Shauna. Him and Shauna had grown closer with their plan to heal Eliot's broken heart, though that obviously wasn't working. "Fin," he started only for a large scrapping sound to be heard, along with a somewhat of a rawr. "Dad? What was that?" Eliot called to his father. Lloyd glanced over the side, holding his glasses to see what was up. "Hey, Kai, better start packing, 'cause you're moving to Peru!" he called, going off of the joke the fire ninja made earlier.

     "What!?" Kai screamed, throwing his head over the side to see what had happened. Sure enough there was a large gaping hole in the side of the ship, "Peru I welcome you," the male mumbled. The ninja began grabbing their kids and slapping on life jackets, Jay setting those with life jackets in the life boat. "Daddy? What's going on?" Izzy asked looking up at Cole.

    "What's going on is that we're sinking," Cole jumped into the life boat with the last of the kids, Zane lowering them into the water. Axel and Zenith began paddling towards land with Jay and Cole, Rim using his powers to make them go a bit faster. "Fishies!" Demo cheered, pointing towards the waves where shark fins were poking out of the water. Kai's eyes widened seeing they were sharks, pulling his sons closer. "Big fishies," he said. Jay blinked when a realization dawned on him. "Wait, did we even untie the ropes to leave the docks?" he mumbled. The ninja had never sailed out further into the ocean, their plan was to stay close to the harbor. After all there was a McDonald's near by, why would they need to leave?

     "Who do you think cut this rope?" a female asked the male cop beside her. The officer shrugged, holding a flash to light up the nighttime. The two screamed, seeing a hand latch onto the docks. "Help us!" Lloyd called up to the two adults. They leaned over the side to see the ninja holding the asleep children along with a few other items in their arms.

    "What took you boys so long? It's nearly midnight," Rosco whispered, careful not to wake the kids. Kai just shook his head, handing his wife Demo. "We'll explain in the morning, for now, we need some food and long baths," Lloyd sighed, slumping against June tiredly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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