Chapter One

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Chapter One: Unforgettable First Date

     Lloyd sipped on the coffee in his zebra print coffee cup while grading homework. "Whatcha painting son?" he asked Elliot who was working on an art project beside him. The male just frowned as he smacked his paint colored hand on the canvas. "I'm painting my feelings, dad!" he yelled. Lloyd just looked at him up and down as he angrily slapped the canvas. He then plopped back on the chair and looked down mumbling about how alone he was. "That's nice, son," the green ninja mumbled.

    Elizabeth checked over her math homework when the phone rang. Looking over, she saw a photo of Zenith flash on the screen, a green phone and red phone on the bottom of the screen. "Hey, Elizabeth, how's it going?" he asked her once she answered.

    "Just doing my math homework, why? What do you need?" she questioned, continuing to scribble on her homework. He breathed to reply but was instead heard yelling at Noel and Rim to stop doing something. "Sorry, I just wanted to know if you wanna go see the new Beauty and the Beast movie?" he asked. Elizabeth immediately thought he meant for student council, they all often met at the movies or at restaurants. "Oh, are we finally gonna discuss the change on the drug free week posters? I'm tired of putting up the same old 'Don't do drugs ya druggies' posters every year," Elizabeth laughed.

    "Actually, I meant as a date," he said. June perked up and looked over at her daughter who stood stunned. "Did I just hear date? Go on, say yes," she said.

    Elizabeth shook head no, looking frightened, "No,"


      "No," she repeated. Elizabeth and Zenith had declared themselves as dating but had never gone on a first date, let alone kissed. "Yes, yes," June said taking the phone from her, "She says yes," she informed Zenith. He was somewhat taken a back and confused suddenly hearing his aunt. "Um, okay, i'll be by to pick Elizabeth up in ten minutes," he said hanging up.

    "Mom what did you do? I'm not ready for a date! I'm in Lion King pajamas!" Elizabeth exclaimed pointing at her Simba and Nala pajama bottoms and Overwatch t-shirt. June laughed before rummaging through her daughter's closet, "Sweety, your father still wears rubber ducky pajamas. Besides, I can get you ready in time,"

    "Whoa, you look amazing," Zenith said in awe. Elizabeth smiled before hopping on the back of his bike, the couple riding off.

     After the date Zenith took her back on his bike. "Thanks for the movie, and the popcorn," Elizabeth told him. The day ninja smiled, looking quite confident in himself. "Just a gentleman trying to do something for his lad-" Zenith was cut off as a blur rammed into the tires of his bike, causing the two to swerve and crash. They looked up to see one of Pythor's kids, Fang, standing above them. Pythor had five children, his boys Fang, Venom, Hypno and his girls Ti and Ana. "Well, the nerd took his little girlfriend on a date, how sweet,"

    "What do you want, Fang?" Zenith sneered, balling his hands into fists. The boy glared before getting into a fight stance, "Revenge, my father is in jail because of you," he snapped. After the villains kidnapped the ninja they were caught by police and sent to jail, so they made enemies with practically every kid of the villains. "Your father went to jail because he made bad decisions and tried to kill my family," the male returned, helping Elizabeth onto her feet.

    "I'm gonna make you wish you were never born!" he yelled, charging forward. Elizabeth allowed him to pass through her body like a ghost as Zenith jumped out of the way. "Looks like the bull has horns, are you're wearing all red to him," she said to Zenith. He looked at her, hands balled into fists, ready for a fight. "Go call my dad, I got this," he said tossing his phone to the girl. She nodded and quickly dialed her uncle's number, watching the two boys fight. "Uncle Kai I need your help!"

     "Excuse me!" Kai yelled as he parked his car and walked to Fang who was holding Zenith up against a wall. "Ugh! M-mr. Smith-Flamey!?" he yelled dropping the day ninja. Elizabeth ran to stand beside Kai, "You are lucky I don't report you to the cops young man, now get to class!" he yelled as Fang ran.

   "We gonna tell him it's a Saturday?" Zenith laughed seeing Fang run in the direction he normally would for Biology class. Elizabeth giggled and shook her head no. "He'll figure it out,"

    "Want me to drive ya home, Elizabeth?" Kai asked after laughing a bit.

     "Nah, my house isn't that far," she answered. The fire ninja nodded and headed over to his car, Zenith staying to wish his girlfriend goodbye.  "Did you still have fun despite the fact I nearly got killed?" he asked. She smiled, reaching to hold his tan skinned hand in her pale fingers. "Of course I had fun," she said, "What I don't get is how Fang knew we were on a date," she pondered the thought aloud. Zenith laughed, "Another mystery," he concluded. The two leaned in when frantic honking was heard from Kai's minivan, obviously him and Zenith had to go. "I think your dad's getting impatient," Elizabeth laughed before pecking his cheek, "Bye, Zenith,"

    "So? Did ya kiss her?" Kai immediately asked once he was in the car. Zenith strapped on his seatbelt blushing of embarrassment. "I was about too until you interrupted," he said. The fire ninja blinked before leaning over and opening the door, unbuckling Zenith's seatbelt. "Shoot i'm sorry try again I promise I won't interrupt!" he exclaimed.


     "I'm home!" Elizabeth exclaimed walking in the room. She was met with the sound of paint splatter, turning, she saw Eliot still in the kitchen painting his feelings. In front of him was a photo of T.A.I.U. Borg was recreating her but he was still sad since he did witness her being erased in the first place. The girl set her hand on her brother's as he slammed blue paint against a canvas, "Hey,"

    "It'll be okay," she reassured, Eliot resting his head on his sister's shoulder, "She'll come back to you,"

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