Meeting an old friend. Part two

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Bella's POV

Finally Elijah is here!

Elijah: hi princess.
Me: hi bubba.
Elijah: how was your day?
Me: it was very interesting.
Elijah: interesting how?
Me: I ran into an old friend. I'm going meet him at 5. Is that okay?
Elijah: sure it is. But who is that old friend?
Me: nobody really.

Why does he have to ask so many questions. Please let us be home soon. If Elijah finds out that I just saw Stefan, when eventually Nick is gonna find out to, and then he is going on a murdering spree, and especially if Damon also is a vampire. Mostly because back in 1863, Damon and I fell in love. Nicklaus of course wouldn't have it, so he threatened to kill him, so I compelled him to forget about me and us and that I even existed, until the time was right, then he will remember again. But back then he was human.
Home finally, no more questions. Hopefully.

Me: hi Nick.
Nick: hi love. How was your day.
Me: it was good. ( stop asking questions, I don't have time )
Nick: where's the fire sweetheart?
Me: I'm just going to met a friend in about 50 minutes and I have to change my clothes. So I'm going to do that.

Finally peace. Now that should I choose????

~~~~~6 minutes later~~~~~~~
Found it:

~~~~~6 minutes later~~~~~~~Found it:

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And I'm ready to go. Now all I need is to borrow the car, so I can get to the grill. ( since I don't have one yet, I think it's because that they think I'm growing up too fast. Which is ironic since I'm a 1000 years old. )

Me: Hi bubba.
Elijah: Yes sweetie.
Me: I was thinking if...
Klaus : Be careful Elijah, it usually means she wants something.
Me: You're really funny aren't you.
Klaus: Yes I am.
Me: Not really no.
Elijah: What were you going to say sweetheart?
Me: I was thinking if I could borrow your car, so I can go to the grill?
Klaus: I don't think so love, but I will be happy to drive you.
Me: First of I wasn't asking you. An secondly, I'm sure you would be happy too, because you usually stay and watch me. And that's really annoying. And thirdly, I wouldn't have to borrow a car if I had one myself.
Klaus: First of you don't have to be sassy. And secondly, we have discussed this you're not getting a car.
Me: Why not, I'm old enough and I do know how to drive, so what's the problem. And by the way, we didn't discuss anything, you made that decision all by yourself.
Klaus: You're not getting a car, simple as that.
Elijah: Nicklaus I think she got the point. Bella I think it's better that I drive you, there's no need for you two, getting into an argument about it.
Me: Fine. And thanks bubba.
Elijah: You're welcome sweetie, are you ready.
Me: yes I am.

In the car.
( why does Nicklaus have to be so annoying and unfair. I don't get his problem )
Elijah: What are you thinking about sweetie?
Me: Why is Nicklaus so unfair. Why is so bad that I want a car. You, Nick, Finn, Kol and Rebecca all have one, but I can't have one. I just don't understand him.
Elijah: He just doesn't want you to grow up sweetie. And you know I would let you get a car, because you are responsible and you are a good driver. But..
Me: But when Nicklaus have set his mind to something, it's impossible to change it. Especially when it comes to me.
Elijah: Yes, he is very protective when it comes to you. We all are, but Nicklaus is..
Me: Really overprotective.
Elijah: Yes. You two have a special bond, that none of us can possibly understand. But you know sweetie, he just wants what's best for you. Even if we don't always know what that is.
Me: Yeah I know. It's just like the time when he went on a murdering spree, because he found out that I had a boyfriend and didn't tell him.
Elijah: Yes... Well you didn't tell everyone that you had a boyfriend.
Me: No, but that doesn't mean that he can kill people because I kept something from him. Beside I compelled my ex-boyfriend to forget all about me, so I don't get the problem. ( well almost.. I only left a little part out of the story )
Elijah: No it doesn't. Unfortunately it's one of Nicklaus biggest problems.  His temper sometimes gets the best of him.  Anyway we're here.
Me: Thanks for the ride bubba.
Elijah: You're welcome sweetie. Just call when you need to be picked up.
Me: I will. Bye bubba.
Elijah: Bye sweetie.

~~~~ inside the grill~~~~

Me: Hi Stefan.

Stefan: Hi Bella.

Me: So I have a few questions I want to ask, and I guess you have some too.

Stefan: Yes I do. But you can start with your questions, because I think that mine has something to do with yours.

Me: Okay I'm just gonna ask them in the order that they came into my head.
1: When did you become a vampire?
2: Who turned you?
3: Is Damon a vampire too?

Stefan: I became a vampire in 1864. Katherine Pierce turned me. Yes Damon is a vampire too.

Me: Katerina Petrova, why doesn't that surprise me.

Stefan: You know her?

Me: Yes you could say I do. But we can get back to that. You had some questions too?

Stefan: Yes.
1: Have you heard of the sun and moon curse?
2: Is there anyway we can safe Elena from being sacrificed in the ritual?

Me: Okay the first question: The sun and moon curse doesn't exist, it's a curse that was placed Klaus over a 1000 years ago. And yes Elena can be saved.

Stefan: How do we safe her?

Me: Well that's quite simply actually, there is no no curse to be broken, so she's safe.

Stefan: How do you know?

Me: Because Nicklaus is my brother, and I know that the curse he thinks he have to brake to become a hybrid never existed. I know that because it was my mother who should have placed it on him, but she didn't. But the real reason he can't turn into a werewolf is because when we were turned into vampires and he kill for the first time and he triggered the werewolf curse, I placed a protection spell on him, when I found out that our father wanted to hurt him because he was a beast, as he called him. So when I heard my mom was going too put a spell on him, I casted a protection spell that protect him from any spell and also suppressed his werewolf side until it was safe for him to be a hybrid. But he doesn't know that yet.

Stefan: Wow you would do anything to protect him. But that means that Elena isn't in any danger?

Me: Yeah I would, and I will protect her too.

Stefan: Why haven't you told him the truth yet?

Me: Back in 1863 when I meet you and Damon for the first time and I started dating Damon, klaus decided that he was going to kill Damon. So I decided not to tell him about it.

Stefan: I remember you and Damon back in 1863, I have never seen Damon so happy before.

Me: Speaking of Damon, how is he?

Stefan: Damon is, well his Damon. He kinda turned to the dark side, if you know what I mean. Well we both kinda did.

Me: So all is good then. Every vampire go through a bad time, some more than others. The hunger takes control sometimes.

Stefan: yes it does.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later that night back home at the Mikaelson's home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Klaus: How was you're night?

Me: It was good.

Klaus: I guess the meeting with Stefan Salvatore went well.

Me: Did you follow me again Nicklaus. Serious Nicklaus when do you get into your head, that I'm not a little kid anymore.

Klaus: I'm sorry that I want to protect my little sister. And by the way, your 17 years old and have been 17 for over a 1000 years. And just to make it clear I'm older than you so what I say goes.

Me: Your unbelievable Nicklaus. Anyway I'm going to bed, I have school tomorrow.

( I can't believe him, why does he always have to be like this. I hope that Damon isn't in mystic falls, because if he is there's gonna be trouble at some point. Great)

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