~CHAPTER FOUR~ I'm never getting out of the smoke room!

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I rolled my eyes as Tyra attempted to barge through the door. Dear Jesus, she's going to damn near kill herself...or that poor door! Dylan rushed to her side as she rubbed her sore arm, she smiled up at him. I faked a gag, causing all eyes to turn on me. All except Danny's, because they were already planted on me. Weirdo. 

"Can we leave now?" I asked Danny, I'm getting seriously annoyed with how much 'ass' Danny is getting tonight.  Danny smirked at me and shook his head. I let out an aggravated groan and flipped him the bird, Tyra laughed, Dylan gasped, and Danny looked... amused? Of course! I watched Danny as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Is he f*cking joking right now? He best not! He pulled out a match and swiped it across the brick wall, causing it to light up. He put the flame to the tip of the cancer stick and inhaled. That's so gross. I looked around me, no one but me seemed the slightest bit shocked. Danny strided over to me and blew the smoke in my face... just like dad used to do.


"Marley! Can you not!" My mother said motioning to my dad's ciggarette. Here we go again. 

"Shut up! You don't OWN me. Your MY bitch, I'mnot YOURS!" My dad said raising the ciggarette to burn my mother. My mother shrieked in pain as the hot end burned her sensitive skin. I winced for her pain and dad turned on me. 

"How the f*ck did that hurt you!" He screamed in my face. I shrugged, not knowing what else to do. He laughed a non-humored laugh, he blows the smoke into my face, and brings the tip to my neck, burning the exposed skin.  My mother choked a cry.

~End of Flashback~

I look around at three heads bobbing over me, Dylan, Tyra, and Danny. How did I get on the ground? I wipe my eyes, and they're wet. Meaning I cried over some stupid f*cking flashback! I laughed dryly and attempted to stand. Only when I failed did a set of hand pull me up, and place me on my feet. I look at my savior. Danny? Wow, who knew he had some heart beneath all his sexist comments, sex sessions, and asshole comments. 

"I'm leaving." Danny announces. I sigh in relief.

"Finally!" I cry out.

"I thought we would never leave!" Tyra sighs.

"Wait, there's a catch." Dylan glares at Danny.

"Oi! You're a smart one! I said I'M leaving. You nerds, are staying." Danny smirked evilly at me, what a f*cking dick!

"My brother would NOT allow this, Danny Micheal Shay!" Tyra flings her hands in the air wildly. Dylan, please no! No, no,no.

"I throw my hands in the air sometimes! Sayin' AYOOOO! Gotta let GO!" Dylan sings loudly. Oh god, why! Kill. Me. PLEASE!

I'm never getting out of this smoke room, like ever. And don't even get me started on the fact I haven't even eaten! And... IT'S TACO F*CKING TUESDAY! F*CK YOU DANNY! 


Shortest chapter ever... Yea prob! Sorry! Just wanted to update SOMETHING!!!! I know it's not much, except another look at her crazy past! And now, you know her dad's name. (Marley.) And you've seen a little bit of her mom! Yah! 


1. Who's p.o.v. should I make the next chapter?

2. Who is Jimmy? Eh? 

3. What do you think will happen next? (It's ganna be GOOD!)

Stay tunned! Read, comment, vote, follow... 

Oh um, ask me a question! I'm happy to answer!!

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