Chapter 1 - Meeting

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Daniel found himself in the boy's bathroom, the knife in his hands threateningly close to his eye. With one hand, he held the knife with a great intent. His other hand holding his eye wide open. Slowly, he brings the blade's tip closer and closer to his bloodshot cornea. The evening sun sending strips of light into the old toilet block through the broken wooden shutters. The bathroom holds enough heat to be warmer than outside but barely. Daniel opens his lips and grinds his teeth together, his tight grip on the knife showing the whites of his knuckles. The eight-inch blade finds itself stuck in a state of limbo, so close to his eye but just not moving. The thought process going through his fucked mind making for quite a show. The blade inched ever closer, too close for him to focus on anymore. Just before the point of contact, someone barges through the bathroom door. Daniel turns to find a girl. She was slightly younger than him, panting and holding the frame of one of the broken stalls. Her loud and rapid breaths sounding quite raspy, as though she'd been running for a long time. Daniel lowers the knife from his eye and faces the intruder. She slowly falls down to her knees, a hand still clasped on the frame. Daniel stands over the girl, not sure whether to punish her for intruding or to wait until she leaves. As time passes, the girl manages to calm her breathing and look up at Daniel. Any normal person would have let out a scream as a shadowed man stood over them with a glinting knife in hand but only steady breaths could be heard.

"Hello." The girl whispers, smiling and holding out her hand nervously. Daniel takes her left hand and pins it against the cracked wooden frame. The girl gives him a confused look followed by a look of terror as Daniel plunges his knife through the palm of her hand, pushing all the way through and then deeply into the wood. The girl sits, silently on the floor, blood spraying from her hand against the already dirtied mirror and floor. Daniels readies himself to cover her mouth but she doesn't scream, she sits on the floor and bows her head. Daniel feels a slight tinge of sadness as he watches steady tears run from the eyes of his very first victim.

"Why?" Daniel's victim asks through the streams on her face. She looks up into Daniel's eyes, her trembling lips giving her the look of an unloved puppy. Daniel tries to push the regret out of his head as he begins to rummage through his bag. He doesn't reply to the girl's pathetic questioning and he leaves her there to bleed for a while. His hand brushes against something metallic within his bag, exactly what he was looking for. Daniel grasps the rusted tool and removes it from his bag, a smile dragging slowly across his face. He holds a terribly old looking spoon. The spoon itself looks like it didn't rust from water, though. The girl looks up, her clear brown eyes welling with even more tears. Daniel took a short while to examine the girl before him. Shortish, dark brown hair and similar eyes with quite a petite nose. Her face looked clear and bright indicating quite a lot of makeup. Daniel decides to forget about her somewhat beautiful face and go right into using his tool. With the spoon held tightly in his hand, he kneels down beside the girl.

"What is your name?" Daniel asks the girl politely. Lifting his rusted spoon threateningly towards her face.

"Marissa." She replied simply, giving a short-lived smile before feeling the spoon take residence within her left eye.

"You're gonna need to forget that now." Her free hand shoots to hold her mouth closed as to stop a possible scream. Daniel, loving her reaction, begins to dig the spoon under her eye, cupping it and pulling from behind. Blood begins to trickle from the torn skin beneath the rusted utensil. As Daniel slowly removes the girl's beautiful eye, Marissa manages to remove her hand from her mouth and show a genuine smile. Daniel gives her a smile as he continues to take the eye from her. As the eye hangs loosely from her skull, he gives himself a nod of satisfaction. As Daniel brings the rusted tool to the front of her face, he licks his lips. The girl sits still without resisting. She gives a small nod as Daniel tries to cut the optical nerve with an edge of the spoon. Daniel smiles madly as he pushes the spoon roughly through the nerve. Being unable to hold herself, the girl begins to scream. Daniel rushes to cover her mouth with his hands, leaving the cutting job unfinished. Tears pooling and mixing with blood inside her now empty left eye socket. Daniel takes his other hand and wipes away the tears that manage to escape the pit and make their way down her face. A sudden outburst from the girl takes Daniel back for a moment. He looks around violently to make sure he is the only one who gets to mutilate Marissa. His eyes stop on her hand, struggling to remove itself from the wooden frame. Fuming, Daniel turns and smacks the girl across the face sending blood and tears far across the room.

Daniel stands himself up, kicking wildly at the girl on the floor. The girl's screams excite him as he slams the soles of his feet against her undefended little body. He feels a feeble slap against his leg but leaves her be, that's all she could ask for. After taking out his rage on the poor girl, he steps back to look in horror at what he had done. Silence filled his ears as any sounds around him were deafened. The ragged breathing and the steady tears down his face glinting gently in the golden dusk glow. Shadows of passing birds flash through the shutters. Daniel looks down upon this bloodied girl. Tears cloud his vision but he can faintly make out her breathing. Around him, blood streaks across almost everything in sight, even some dripping from the ceiling. The girl, blood pouring from her mouth, looks up into Daniel's eyes. Tears spilling from the open cavity where her eye used to reside.

"I-I," Daniel starts, the tone of his voice making it almost inaudible. "I'm sorry..."

Marissa tilts her head and gives the faintest of smiles. Nothing happens for a few moments as Daniel and his victim stand in their respective positions. Marissa glares up at her bloodied hand and allows the tears pooling in her cavity more and more. Daniel turns to look into the bloodied mirror, his tears still running as fast as his victim's. Something within him snaps.

Turning towards the girl, a deep set grin crossing his twisted face. He looks down towards the girl, his tears drying faster than blood under a heat lamp. He begins to laugh uncontrollably as he leans down towards the helpless girl, tearing apart the bottom half of her shirt to expose her stomach. Marissa sits and waits what is to become of her. With one hand impaled to a wall and the other numb and unresponsive, she has no form of retaliation. Daniel smiles greedily as he pushes his fingers against her bruised, soft skin. He sits for a few moments, caressing the skin beneath his ragged fingers. He starts to get hungry for more. Pushing his fingers hard against the skin, he watches the pigments slowly tear away. Marissa starts to shake as Daniel begins to hum madly and lick his lips. Daniel then gets bored of her stomach and moves back to look at her dangling eye. He softly grasps it and fiddles with it, staring at Marissa's open socket whilst doing so. He slowly begins to pull it, striking immense pain throughout the girl. Marissa screams but is silenced as Daniel pushes his soaked hand against her mouth. Taking his used spoon with his free hand, he finishes the cutting job on the optic nerve. Marissa jolts violently and begins to shake faster. He then softly places the now free eye onto the spoon and faces it towards his victim's cute little mouth.

"Here comes the airplane!" He purrs as he slowly brings the girl her own eye as food. "You have to eat. We don't want you to get hungry!"

The girl begins to seize as she tries anything to stop Daniel from getting the eye into her mouth.

Without hesitation, Daniel punches the girl heavily in the chest. She falls forward and clutches her chest with her weakened hand. Daniel then grabs the girl's head and slams it into the tiled wall behind it. With that, the girl faints. Without wasting time, Daniel begins to treat to her most severe wounds and make sure she would live. After bandaging her hand tightly, he takes large quantities of rope from within his bag and strings the girl up inside one of the toilet stalls. Tying her feet to the floor and her hands above her head. Daniel thinks for a moment about cutting her hair but decides against it. He then takes a needle and thread. He brings his hands up to Marissa's unconscious body and begins sewing her right eye open, tying up the end of the string neatly. Daniel then takes the almost purely red left eye and gently pushes it back within its socket. Doing so spills any remaining blood onto the dirty tiled floor. He then grabs his bag and places it inside the stall with the girl. Daniel makes his final touches by tying the girls head in place. He quickly jams some of Marissa's torn school shirt into her mouth to stop her from annoying him. He takes a gaze out onto the almost completely set sun and smiles. Daniel closes the door on his girl's stall and moves out into the bloodied main room. He lays himself down onto his pool of blood and rests his head against the checkered wall tiles. The lunatic closes his eyes and retreats into a shallow yet rejuvenating sleep.

Daniel woke to the sound of the early birds chirping, a soft wind blowing and the muffled cries of a dying girl. His parents must be worried about him. He looks down himself to find his entire uniform scarlet with his girl's blood. Daniel leans upwards and stretches his arms outward. Loosening up tight shoulders from an uncomfortable sleep. He then stands up, stretching again before softly pushing the stall door to reveal its contents. To his happiness, Marissa sits perfectly still like the doll she is. Daniel approaches her and runs his finger softly down her beautiful, soft cheek. He then slowly removes the makeshift gag from the girl's mouth. She doesn't scream.

To be continued... (if not taken down)

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