2-The warmth of their bodies

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Previously in The life of Hayley Kristen Scott:

“Are you okay hayles.”

“umm, I’m not entirely sure.” I responded turning to look at Mason who had this calculating expression on.


After taking my seat, the seat the teacher had requested me not even asking for an introduction, and Mason leaving. Mr. Missle started talking about the independence of the U.S, something I already learned and got tired of, so I just slumped down on my seat and started to doodle on my note book trying not pay attention to all those looks I kept receiving. To be honest it was hard for me not to glare at those extremely curious people. But there was one stare that stood out from all the others; I bet you all know who it was. And it was even harder for me not to stare back especially because he was only one seat away from me. Then finally the bell rang. Oh, thank god! I don’t know what I would’ve done if this lasted!

 As soon as the bell rang I packed up my stuff and was ready to leave when a hand stopped me I felt a jolt of electricity ran through my body; when I turn around I came face to face with HIM. His piercing blue eyes connected with mine again and I felt a shiver leave my body.

“Hi you’re Hayley right?”He asked. Damn his voice was so sexy just like Mason’s.

“My name’s Carter and I just wanted to welcome you, ‘cause I notice that you were by yourself, lonely …. You know.”Carter said scratching the back of his head. Awwww he was so cute for a tall muscular guy like him that could probably send me flying all the way across the room!

“Anyway, what’s your next class maybe I could walk you there, of course if you don’t mind.”

“Sure. Why not?”

“Cool so where’s your next class.” he said regaining his confidence back and giving me a dazzling smile.

“umm..lemme check ; ‘kay, so it’s English.”

“Great I have English to let’s go.” And when we started heading toward the door Mason came directly in front of us. Well in front of Carter. Mason had this expression that I couldn’t describe, it was as if he was repulse by just the sight of Carter but knew that Carter was not someone to mess with; even though Mason murderous glares Carter kept his head high ,showing that he was as superior as Mase. And i.Ohh poor me was soooooo confuse. I mean since we started school Mason has been acting different, then I meet this guy and suddenly feel a connection with him that I can’t explain. I mean seriously what have I’ve been thrown into.

“Stay away from her!! You hear me. She’s m- “

“What the hell Mason what are you doing, what’s wrong with you.” I said placing my hands on Mase’s chest so he could back off, but it had no affect he was as hard as a rock; I didn’t even manage to push him an inch farther.

 So I was kind of stuck between both of them since Carter was starting to get angry and close the small distance behind me just so he could be face to face with Mason obviously forgetting that I was in the middle being squish by both of them. Weirdly enough it felt good to be there enveloped by them with the warmth of both of their bodies, almost like I belonged there like this was home I felt safe.

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