A little bit strange

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Lucy's POV:

"I'm so confused with what happened last night I don't know what happened or how I ended up in bed with a girl. A fucking girl I'm not a lesbian I'm a straight girl." I screamed at my manager who is also my best friend.
Julie looks as if she just got hurt.
Wait fuck Julie is lesbian with Chelsea fuck.
"I'm sorry J I didn't mean to shout at you I'm so sorry" I plead for her forgiveness.
"I would sure hope your sorry ass is sorry and what do you mean you ended up in bed with a girl" she said in a surprise but a entreaged tone.
"I woke up this morning to find my self in a strange girls house in a strange girls bed lieing beside a strang girl completely naked" I said in an anxious tone.
When I looked at Julie she was smirking and I wanted to know why.
I'm starting to wonder what Julie is up to for she has never been so.. so.. so interested in what I do all she ever says is "as long as you are here for work on time and not late then I have no quam on what you do with you love live....... but I still think your a lesbian." Maybe I am lesbian maybe I'm not I'm just so confused it's unbelievable. Maybe I should go talk to the girl I slept with for I don't know her name I don't even know were she works. Ahhhhh I don't know anymore.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Julie smacked me across the back of the head.
"Owch. What was that for" I scream as I rub the back of my head.
"For not paying attention you fool" she said in a calm manager voice.
"What do you want I'm going through a crisis right now and I don't know what to do and you want me to be paying attention." I say pissed off.
"Lucy Gray McLan don't you dare rais your voice at me your manager and your only friend it's not nice to rais your voice" Julie screams at me.
I look at Julie in disbelief I don't believe she said that. She knows that I don't have friends because I have trust issues because of my past.
"Lucy I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Julie trys to grab me but I move out of her way and grab my car keys and my phone before running to my car and speeding off. I keep driving for around an hour when I realise I'm not in grounshire I was in the next town which was little coom. I wasn't aware that I had driven out of town and I wasn't even aware that I was about to run someone over. I didn't even.... Wait shit I slam on my breaks as I hit someone in front of me.
"Fuck what have I done fuck" i scream out of panic. I quickly get out of my car and run to the person I hit.

I kneel down beside the person and pick them up they were cold so I put them in the back seats of my car and then went to my boot and got a blanket out and put it over them. I quickly got into the driver's seat and quickly drove to the closest hospital.

s soon as I arrived at the A&E doors I jumped out of my side of the car and went and picked up the person I hit. It wasn't until I looked at there face that I realised that I was holding a girl in my arms. I rushed through A&E doors and automatically started to shout for help.
It wasn'tlong till a nurse came with a bed and asked me what happened to her.
"I.. I.. I hit her with m.. m.. my car" I start crying as the last word came out of my mouth.
The nurse looks at me and tells me to go wait in the waiting area. I do as the nurse says and wait patiently on word of how the girl is.

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