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So, I got tagged by jodee_kurikara and WooshieWoo, so, let's do this!

1) I have been to a total of 9 schools since first grade, including homeschool.

2) I have never broken any bone. Ever. The closest I got was a sprain in my pinkie finger from smacking it against a wall.

3) I have lived in two countries so far, (South Africa, where I was born, and Zimbabwe) and just about to move to the UK

4) When I was 11, my friends Rachel, Liam and I got chased by an elephant while we were on their quadbike.

5) I despise hospitals and everything to do with them. Including doctors. And needles. Needles baaddd...

6) I have had 0 boyfriends/girlfriends. None. My love life is a damn desert.

7) I have an intense phobia of spiders. The only good spider is a dead spider, and the deader it is, the better it gets.

8) When I was 8 years old, I paid R345 of my on money for a kids guitar, and attempted to teach myself how to play. All  managed to do was annoy my parents.

9) For six years of my life (aged 6-12), I was convinced I was going to contract and die from breast cancer.

10) I'm an only child, and yet I have 3 step-sisters, 2 half brothers, 2 brothers-in-law, and a half sister. I've only met two of the step-sisters.



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