chapter I

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New York City

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Dark brown greasy locks pulled back into a pony tail with a fading red ribbon, your clothes barely fit you having belonged to a brother who was your age when he died. A fresh nineteen year old woman with the appearance of a man standing in a tavern filled with drunken fools and yelling. How you got here?That's an easy story.

Some time a year ago

"No! You cannot do that to me!" Your shrill voice filled the room, stilling your father with shock."You are my daughter, I have created your life I may give it to a man who will carry on my heritage."He replied, Your father was quite rich, and when your older brother died of sickness things went bad for your family. Now it all fell on you, his only daughter. Soon to be of age, a wonderful eighteenth birthday gift. Your father giving your unwilling hand to a random stranger you haven't met. "This is unfair!" You whined like a ungreatful child. "Dear (y/n), Angered or not; you will be Marrying this man." Your father remained calm, his authority already placed; leaving you unable to continue your disagreement.

'Not if I breath no longer!'

You thought selfishly, turning and begining to your room. The door shut behind you loudly, shaking the frame slightly. You glide over to your desk, moving to sit in a chair placed in front. You took a feathered silver tipped quill in your fingers, you hover it over the ink. The idea in your mind swimming, initially ending your life was what you had planned. You had only known prosperity, the wealth and easy living.
Part of you knew there was much more to see out there, was this really how you intended to loose your life? By being strapped to a husband, bear children and die early like your own mother? When you were a young girl, standing at your mothers bedside. She had taken your hand, smiling weak~ You had her eyes, her smile, her hair. You were the spitting image of her, a true gem. "My Daughter." She had said in a soft voice, hoarse from coughing. "Be true, follow what your heart sings." Your mother had taught you to read, to write, she taught you everything you knew at that time. That night, she passed; holding your hand. A slave your mother intrusted with your care, sat with you in comfort. You had followed everything your heart yearned for, music, reading, writing, even learning another language.

Mostly with the help of Mary, the slave that was now knocking at your door. "Miss Abbott, May I enter?" Mary called in, your head lifts. "Of course." The woman enters, shutting the door shutting behind herself. You threw yourself into her arms, sobs filling you. The kind enslaved woman held you close, hands gently stroking your hair. "Shh shh,it's going to be okay. Calm yourself." Mary whispered, she didn't seem to mind your tears on her dress. "I-I am to be wed, in two weeks time." You hiccuped, a disgusting stutter to your words. Mary tucked a curl behind your ear, resting a motherly palm against your cheek. "I do not want to marry anyone, not yet." You now urged to her with pleading eyes, Mary shakes her head. "I am not one to change your fathers mind dear." She reminded, when you looked lost for hope she tilted your head to face hers. "What does your heart sing for child?" She asked gently, your gaze widens. "Mary, I want to run away." You admitted, the idea seeming less terrifying. The woman lets you go, leading you to sit on the edge of your bed. "You are your fathers only child, he will be looking for you." She once again stated. You shake your head "I will Change my name, I will leave for New York, He will loose me in Manhattan!" your voice bounced with excitement. "You are a frail young girl, who was raised with everything she needs. Your father has money, New York will eat you alive before he can find you." Mary said once more. Your mood faltered, eyes downcast. "But-" Mary started. "People will be looking for a beautiful woman, no one would be looking for a man." Your attention lifted once again​, how preposterous! You, a man? Then the idea seemed to agree with you, your were not a very large chested woman, you could easily strap it down, you have always had more of a male frame. "Mary... you are so smart!" You praise the woman, standing and twirling with a happy squeal in your dress. Hair falling around your shoulders, The woman stands and smiles. "First we should take care of your hair." She whispered leading your back to the bed, taking scissors from a drawer besides your bed. You sit in the middle of the bed, trembling with excitement. Moment's later your hair feels lighter, Blinding grabbing behind you~ your pull forward a strand of chocolate brown hair. You play with the cut off strands in your fingers for a moment​ before letting them fall in your lap. "I'm finished." You rush from the bed, almost tripping over your own feet. Your hair is short, not as short as expected but you grab a ruby red ribbon from your desk. Mary puts it in your hair, the ponytail looked very manly in your opinion. Many men wore their like this, your own father even. "I will fetch the clothes from your brothers holdings." Mary left the room quickly.

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