chapter II

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At the start of each chapter I'm going yo add trigger add trigger warnings.

*Mentions of female nudity?
*Mentions of sex.
*More singing.
*Anti Feminism.(sorry, realistic writing.)

* * *

"I may not live to see our glory!"
Alexander Hamilton cheered, tone more tamed than before. The Tavern was quieter and more settled now, most going home to their wives, or just home in general. Burr had left once you abandon him to join the small gang of bright young men, you reminded yourself to buy him a drink the next time you saw him; Burr was not someone you wanted on your bad side. You and the others seemed to sing along to a drunken song. "but I will glady Join the fight!" Your voices chorus as you all took drinks from your glasses. "-And when our Children tell our story.." Hamilton looked to his friends to finish. "They'll tell the story of tonight." You lead with a wide, happy smile. "Lets have another round." Hercules convinced, waving for someone to place around round on the only one willing to pay at the time. Being you and Hercules, who decided to divy up the cost with money you earned from working. "Le'z have anoth'r round'z tonight~!" Lafayette agreed loudly, You laugh. "I don't think you need anything else to drink Laf." you chuckle faintly, Laurens stands. Captivating the groups attention instantly. "Raise a glass to freedom, Something they can never take away. No matter What they tell you." John beams drunkly around his friends. "Raise a glass to the five of us." You all hold your filled glasses up, Hamilton smiles at Laurens. "Tomorrow there'll be more of us." You watch between them. "They'll tell the story of tonight." You repeated with a floating heart, you all take a drink and fall into bright youthful laughter. 

* * *

You had ran away from home two weeks ago, two weeks you wanted to go back. Mary had been right, New York was eating you alive. You could put on a face, shout and hold your own but you were still a frail girl in man's clothes. How you survived as long as you have is a shock to yourself and Mary, who has been writing to you almost every day. Informing you on your fathers plans and movements, you had hoped it would of been easier. You constantly had issues breathing, you were always out of breath two words in. You told most you were sick, so some avoided you. Now you were making your way home late at night, after helping a woman move boxes. She had paid you a few shillings, perhaps will get you something to eat for the night- If Mary hadn't already cooked you something and set it in the secret spot. British Money, most merchants only take British Money. You slip behind a building, only to see a shadow cast over you.  "Well well, if it isn't little mouse." A brute towered over you with his buddies. "This the guy Gerald?" One pipped up from behind. "The man helping my wife move in, yeah." You straighten instantly, clearing your throat. "So you must be the husband, you got all that muscle what's so wrong with helping the woman you married carry a few heavy boxes in?" You had distaste in your tone. "It's a womans job to do the house work." Gerald replied with such a simple tone that made you sick at the stomach, feeling your insides churn. You almost fell into this, that poor pregnant woman moving in all of their boxes into a house; that could have been you. "A womans Job? A womans job is to take care of children, and their husband. Not lifting heavy weight and putting themselves and their child at a risk." You reply curtly, Gerald rolled his eyes. "No one can tell me what to do with my own wife." he seemed annoyed at the fact you were right; he was too full of himself to get past his mistake. "No, I can't; but I can suggest you do something else before I make you." You reply in a now angry voice, earning a arched brow from all three. "You? Awh but, your a little mouse. Probably ran away from home because your whole family died, so you don't have a home." Gerald laughed, his friends laughing along. 'Men are so cruel, to those smaller than them. Ill keep that in mind. May help latter on' Without a thought you draw your clenched fist back, cracking your virgin knuckles against his jaws. Flinging him to the side, Gerald was shocked. You didn't stop there, giving him a busted lip. His friends were in too much shock to move, you bow down besides Gerald. If stares could kill, it would be yours. "Go home, help your wife. Let her take a break, because she is bearing your child you freeloading ass. If you don't... ill come back and finish this." You spit in his face, he nods and stumbles up. Past you, in the way you came. His friends silently tagged along, straightening yourself up you smile. Looking at your burning knuckles, one felt like it had popped from place but you felt accomplished. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard.

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