chapter III

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*Panic Attack
*Emotional Stuff

a/n: So this chapter is a bit of plot. Samuel Seabury ♥ Also historically I added the kings sorta 'song' as a letter read by British Soldiers. Also, lemme know how you feel about the hint of ships in this chapter.
·Also! If someone wants to make fanart of this talk to me Instagram @ ahamton
Anywayyys onto the story!

You stopped by Burr's home, only to be told he had went down town not long before. Hoping to catch up with him, you started down the streets. Greeting and whistling at a few girls who would squeal, in the eyes of others, you were a beautiful baby faced boy with (e/c) eyes and a perfect figure. Most girls fell for that, it made a lot jealous. The fact you didn't have facial hair didn't other most, more like you couldn't grow facial hair because of the fact you were a woman. "Burr!" You see the man turn instantly, you rush to his side as he nudges you sharply in the side with his elbow. "Look." He hissed when you held your side, grimiancing. You follow his gaze, trained on three girls in beautiful dresses. They looked stunning, all three of them, they had no business here, in these dirt roads and raggedy buildings. This place eats girls like that alive. "Girls~ Didn't your daddy ever say not to go downtown." You whistled over, grabbing their attention, you felt like a dog; but this was the personality you were to play. "Excuse my friend Miss, I know it's not funny- but your perfume smells like your daddy's got money." Burr had turned into a flirt instantly, he obviously knew who she was and she knew who he was. "Burr you disgust me." She turned her chin away and you cackle at your friends dismay for a moment. "Ah, so you've discussed me?" he lifted his eyebrows. "I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me." You almost belt out laughing at Burr's weak attempts at flattery. You shake your head and hold your stomach in your hand, clenching your jaw together in attempt to keep it together. The woman, Angelica then goes on to speak her mind. "I've been readin' common sense by Thomas Paine, some men say im intense or im insane~" with that you slid forward and took her hand, lifting it to your lips taking her by surprise. "I guess you have yet to meet me then, Miss." you stare flirtatiously up at her, she looks absolutely lost for words. Peggy and Eliza, her sisters, squeal together lightly. "Shawn Carson, Pleasure." You let her hand go, Angelica seems to loose herself in your eyes. A helpless feeling aches in her chest, hand warm still from your lips. "Angelica Schuyler." She greets breathlessly, you were smiling now, more ginuine.
Angelica was a beautiful woman, she looked smart. You were like that once.

* * *

"Miss Abbott. Get out here dear your father is back from his journey." Mary called out loudly, you barge from your room heart swelling with excitement as you rush downstairs. Flinging yourself at the figure walking through the door "Pa Pa!" You cry with happiness as the arms hug you and pick you off the floor. "Hello my darling daughter, I trust your mother has taken well care of you?" Your father holds you in his arms for a few moments before letting you go. "Yes Pa! Is William here too?" You ask, your tall brother appears besides him. "Brother!" You hug him tightly, he laughs and hugs you back. Looking down at you with happiness, moving back you stood tall. "Ma has been teaching me some French! So then Maybe I could come with you to france next time!" You enthuse, your father and brother exchange looks. "A long journey on a ship is no place for a young girl (y/n), it is a mans voyage." Your father replies, leaving it at that as he went to greet and kiss your mother. "William! You must tell me about Paris! Oh you must! I bet it was beautiful, I can't even begin to image!" You gush, William laughs at leads you to his room as he sets his things down. "Well you won't have to imagine. I brought pictures." He smiled, you tilt your head. "Really?" He opens a small book willed with parchment. Inside are beautiful sketches, so fluently drawn and placed perfectly. You squeal and grab it from his hands, eyes scanning over every detail. You almost felt you were there yourself, it was perfect. "You will see Paris one day my dear sister. For now, focus on your studies and making a fine woman of yourself. You will accomplish many great things-" crouching in front of you he booped your nose. "-Just you wait (y/n)"

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