the demon.....with a tutu?

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your pov 

 i took bendy's hand and let him show me were the exit is. when we got near the exit door ( it really the front door ) i saw him smiling. " hey bendy if u like u can get something or somethings from here". bendy looks up at me and  smiles  and said " ok ". he lets go of my hand and ran to find the thing he will like to bring. ( 16 min later because yes ) bendy comes back with a borris plushy and  something i couldn't see it because it was tuck in his hand.i open the door and let bendy go out first. i saw bendy look up at the night sky. i bet he has never bin to the outside world hehe. i unlock my car and i open my door. i stop and look at  bendy. bendy was trying to open the car door. "hehe here let me get that". i went over and open his door. bendy want inside. i went back were i was and got in. i start to drive as bendy look around. ( 1 hour later because  yes and smiley face :3 )i got out of my car and open bendy's door i saw he was fast asleep. i grab his sleepy body and close his door. i felt like a mom -_-. i open my house door and went in with bendy in my arms i put him in my couch  and put a blanket on him. i walk to my room and change into my pjs and went to bed. 

your dream pov

i was in the same place again all i can see is black and white then  i saw bendy. bendy  starred and he smiles and run up to me and gives me a rose. i took the rose and pet the little demon on the head he smiles and blushes.  he opens his arms. he want a hug. i did want he wants and hugs him.

end of dream  

your pov

i open my eyes and felt something warm around me. i look around and saw bendy hugging me in his sleeps. my face got hot and grabs his arms and gently and make him let go of me i got out of bed and was about to look what time it was because it was still night time until i herd my phone ring. " hello? ".  " y/n its me your friends mother  i have bad news really bad new . " said the mother of f/n said in a sad tone. after what she told me the bad news  i began to cry a lot. f/n got in to a car crash and didn't mack it. i sat down and cry and cry .

bendys pov 

i got up by a sound of ringing. i notice that y/n wasn't here so i got up and open the door and saw y/n cry! i ran up to here " what happen why are you crying ? " she told me why she was crying. i know the feeling. i looked down as y/n was crying but then i had a idea! i grab my ( thing ) and went to a room call a bathroom. i came back, grab a long big lamp and put it near y/n. i tern off the lights an tern on the lamp. i walk up with a tutu on me y/n looks at me still cry. then i start dancing like a ballerina. i can hear y/n giggles as i dance i felt happy that she is feeling happy.after i was done i looked at y/n. she was giggling and clapping. i felt my cheeks heat up. y/n smiles and walks up to me and hugs me. i hugged back and i didn't want to stop hugging her

( heres him in his tutu :3 ) I REALLY HAPPY PEOPLE ARE READING THIS THX YOU :3 

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( heres him in his tutu :3 ) I REALLY HAPPY PEOPLE ARE READING THIS THX YOU :3 

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