you are normal girl who lived in a normal town. your uncle joey ( idk if i spell his name right irdgffvr) sent u a letter from him. he wanted to show u some thing from the studio . u drove to the old studio and open the door and that day ev...
after i saw bendy dace i felt happy. i walked up to him and saw that his cheek were red ( or gray ) he looked so cute that i had to give him a hug so i did. slowly bendy hugs back.i want him to stay in my arms, i didnt want to let go but i let go. " ok hugging time is over. " i turned off my lamp and turned on the lights. i looked look at bendy. he was looking down,his little cheeks were still ( gray ) i knew he was thinking of something. " hey bendy?" . bendy looks up at me "oh um y-yeah? w-what is it? " bendy said. " u ok? " " YEP! im fine! " he said with a smile. "ok... well im going back to sleep." " again." bendy said looking at me in a funny strange way. " hehe yep" . i close my door.
bendys pov
idk why but i feel weird when im with y/n. her voice is so calming ..... the feeling of being touch by her makes have butterfly in my stomach....i just want to kiss her for some reason.... wait dont tell me....i-im in love! ( me: oh my goooodddd) b-but i only met her like yesterday! omg omg omg- " hey bendy?" y/n ask. " oh um yeah? w-what is it? " u ok?". she said. nope im not ok i just found out i like u but not as a friend like. "YEP! im fine!" "ok .... well im going back to sleep." she said. " again". i made a face and i know i look dumb with the face. " hehe yep" she giggle. i felt my cheeks burn again. why me? i watch her leave to her room. ...........maybe having a little crush on here wont be so bad?
( btw this is what u look like. * i dont draw very good but i tryed if u dont like how " you " look or the color then think of something different. and sorry that this is really short. :( but anyway i cant believe 204have read this! i thought people wont but hank u guy so much!!!!! )
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