you are normal girl who lived in a normal town. your uncle joey ( idk if i spell his name right irdgffvr) sent u a letter from him. he wanted to show u some thing from the studio . u drove to the old studio and open the door and that day ev...
i was sitting down on the couch holding my boris blush. oh how much i miss you... i wish u were here, meeting y/n will make your day like she dose with me. i felt my cheek heating up. " uge i cant get y/n and you out of my mind!" i said out loud. " whose on your mind?" y/n ask yawning " uhhh um ur.... no one hehe!". " oh ok. " she said. oh crap that was close. " btw uh bendy is it ok if we go back to the animation studio i kinda left my phone there hehe." y/n said. " oh yeah sure.... wait WHAT! ". " thx lets go". she grabs my hand, went out side, open the car door for me, and drove to the studio.
y/n pov
bendy slowly opens the front door and we went in. " im going to find my phone u stay- " " nope im coming with you!" bendy cuts me off screaming and holding my hand tight. " hehe bendy it will take a min ill be right back trust me " i said with a smile " .....ok but if someone trys to hart you shout my name ok. " bendy said letting my hand go. " hehe ok ... dad hehehehe". " hay!" . i began walking. ( 5 hour later ) i found my phone and i was about to walk to bendy until some smack me with something. i fell and pass out
dream y/n pov
bendy?....bendy?....bendy were are u im scared! i was walking in a black room i felt a soft hand on my shoulder. i look back a saw bendy with scared eyes. i tern around and rub his little cheek his mouth was cover with blood and ink? " im sorry i was trying to save you im so sorry! he said with tear. " is ok i understand." i said as i kiss him in the forehead........end
your pove
i open my eye to see a man with a bendy mask. i try to move but i was tide up. he gently rubs my cheek " now now dont move my little sheep i dont want you to go... he will eat you and ill be free from this horrible you call a body! he said. what is he talking about...who going to eat. he walks away saying stuff ( sorry i didnt listen to a word that sammy said in the game ) " wait no! NOOOO! " the room shakes and i was free. i began to run. i ran as fast as i can. i need to find bendy! i locked the door and slowly began to walk then a can roll from the floor. " WHOSE THERE SHOW YOUR SELF! " I shouted. slowly i herd foot steps and i saw who suppose to be dead. " b-boris!"
heres a little drawing of boris! sorry i took long to right. btw some one gave this idea in the comment ( sorry i forgot your username hehe sorry!)
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