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So after god knows how many comments and my lovely reply to all of them, my beautiful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , I took pity on you all. Take this pity while you can. This chapter: cute. Chapter 11: Fluffy af. Chapter 12: ...prepare yourselves. 12 and 13 were promised long ago to be painful. But i'm getting off topic. Here is chapter 10. You're welcome. 

Keith hadn't become a human pancake. Instead, he found himself in the arms of the figure he'd seen on the roof before. A red and black mask hid his face, making it impossible for Keith to tell who was behind the mask. All he knew was that he was being carried by a mysterious masked stranger who had saved his life. And they were running. 

"So, uh, thank you, but you can put me down now," Keith said. The figure didn't reply verbally, just shaking his head and continuing to run. Keith gave up, allowing himself to be carried. Finally, he was being set down. They were in another alley, but this one looked familiar. Keith recognized it immediately as the one behind his apartment. As soon as his feet were on the ground and he'd gotten his bearings, Keith sprang into action. 

"Alright, who are-"

"Shhhh!" The figure said, looking around quickly. Nothing happened. There was nobody to be seen for miles. "We're clear," They said, sighing in relief. Keith froze. He'd heard that voice before, but where? Just as he was about to ask if they'd met, the figure pulled off his mask-

And Keith was staring into the ocean blue eyes of Lance. 

"Lance?" Keith said in disbelief, pulling off his own mask. Lance laughed. 

"What? Are you really that surprised? Who else is awesome enough to save your falling ass by cradling you in my arms?" He said. Keith tackled him in a hug, causing both of them to fall onto the hard ground. 

"Well, thanks for saving my ass."

"Anytime, pretty boy," Lance said with a wink that caused Keith to flush bright red. Lance laughed, before standing and pulling Keith up with him. "We should get inside. Don't wanna risk being seen, you know?" 

"You're right," Keith said. The two quickly climbed the fire escapes to Keith's apartment, stumbling through the window. Both decided that before talking they needed to change, as they were both sweaty messes in their full body suits. Ten minutes later they sat on the couch, cuddled close to one another. 

"You scared me to death, you know," Lance said. "You're a hero. The danger is in the job description. Even I know that. Heck, everybody knows that. But to see you falling helplessly off a building?" He paused, a pained look on his face. "I was scared I wouldn't be able to catch you," Lance said quietly. 

"But you did. And I owe you big time for that. Heck, I literally owe you my life."

"Nope, you owe me nothing. All part of the daily job," Lance said. "But, since we're on the topic and I know you aren't the type to let things go, you could owe me a kiss," Lance said, looking at Keith with puppy dog eyes. Keith rolled his eyes, before smiling and pressing a kiss to Lance's lips. 

"Now," Keith said once the two had finally split apart. "How long have you been hiding you're hero alter-ego from me?"

"Hmm... about six months. But you're the main man of the city protection squad so I'm not really that important," Lance said. 

"Of course you're important! You just saved me from falling off a 40-story building!" Keith said. 

"Huh, I guess I did," Lance said with a smug smile. 

"So, what do I call you when we've got the masks on?" Keith asked. 

"Deadpool," Lance said. Keith pondered for a moment. "What?"

"I like it," Keith said. Lance smiled.

"I'm glad someone does," He replied. The two sat in silence for a while, both boys tired and half asleep on the couch. After what had to have been at least an hour, Keith spoke again.

"Lance?" He asked quietly. 

"Hmm?" Lance replied. 

"When I... when I fell, I honestly didn't think I'd make it," Keith said. "I was scared. And... my last thought before you caught me, well, I was thinking of you."

"Me?" Lance said quietly. 

"You, Lance. Because I thought..." Keith paused, tears threatening to spill over his pale cheeks. "I thought I'd never get to tell you how much I love you," Keith said as the tears spilled over his cheeks. Instantly, Lance was there, holding Keith's face gently. 

"It's okay Keith, please don't cry," Lance said softly, using his thumbs to wipe the salty tears off of Keith's face. "And Keith?" Lance asked. Keith looked at him before Lance crushed him in a tight hug. Keith was sleepy, exhausted from the day's events. However, just before he fell asleep in the arms of the person he could honestly say he wanted to be with for the rest of his life, he heard three words that filled him with warmth from head to toe. 

"I love you."

Keith smiled as he fell asleep in Lance's arms. Shortly after, Lance did the same. 


Chapter 11 will be out.... ok idfk when but it'll be out eventually! 

Remember: Talk to me/TAG ME IN ART on Instagram: lancethelivingmeme

Love ya my beans!


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