Chapter 18: Finale Part 1

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So. Here we are. The final battle begins. This is it. 

Here. We. Go. 

Keith swung from building to building, eyes scanning the city for the building Shiro was being held in. He could only remember one time he'd been this worried, and he didn't want this situation to end up like that one. Lance wasn't far behind but was taking his own path, following Keith above him. Lance looked from the streets since the news coverage had a better view of the building from the front than from the top. 

"Yo Keith, can you hear me?" Lance's voice was suddenly in Keith's ear. 

"First, yes, second, what the fuck," Keith replied. Lance laughed. 

"I outfitted out masks with earpieces so we can communicate easier."

"Smart," Keith said, jumping to another building. "Any sign of the building?"

"None so far," Lance said, feet flying across the ground. "Wait, up ahead to the left. Is that it?" Lance asked, seeing a building up ahead. 

"Yes! That's it! Good eye, Lance!" Keith said, landing in front of it moments later. Lance skidded to a stop behind him. The two moved to be hidden in a cluster of trees.

"Alright, we need a game plan. Do you have any actual weapons aside from your like, web shit?" Lance asked. It didn't take much to know Keith was glaring through his mask. 

"Web shit? Really? And no, my webs are usually enough. Then again, I've never faced anything this serious," Keith said. 

"Take this," Lance said, grabbing a sword from off his back. Keith took it. It felt good and sturdy in his palm. He secured it at his side with a bit of webbing. "Uh," Lance started. "Have you ever even used a sword before?"

"I mean, it's been a while but I know how," Keith said. Lance nodded briefly. "Alright, what's our plan? I'm thinking we need to split up once we get inside."

"I'll cover the left from the ground, you cover the right from the roof?" Lance suggested. 

"Sounds good to me. If you see anything, let me know. I'll do the same," Keith said, turning towards the building. 

"Wait!" Lance said, grabbing his wrist. 

"What is it?" Keith asked softly. Lance pulled his mask back, a worried look on his face. "Talk to me, Lance," He said, lifting his own mask off. 

"If... if something happens and... one of us... or both..." Lance trailed off, before squeezing his eyes shut and grabbing Keith's face in shockingly gentle hands. Their lips met, just for a few seconds, but both kissed like it would be there last because it very well could be. When they pulled away, both smiled, before slipping their masks back on. 

"You ready?" Keith asked. 

"As I'll ever be," Lance replied with a tense laugh. The two slipped inside the old building silently, splitting and going their own ways. The inside was dark, and looked, well, like a stereotypical abandoned factory building. Old light fixtures creaked, and the few that were on flickered. Keith noted that there seemed to be many side rooms. From one on the left, a faint light spilled onto the floor. 

"You see the door?" Keith asked. 

"Yep. Hear stuff too. Want to check it out?"

"Yep. Let's go," Keith said, landing quietly next to Lance on the floor. They walked in slowly, and everything seemed fine. Until three masked men approached them, guns in hand. Keith pushed Lance behind him and grabbed the sword at his waist, and when the first one tried to fire, Keith effectively sliced that arm off before knocking him out. The sword went on to take the guns out of the other two's hands before the handle of the sword knocked one man out so only one remained. Keith managed to make a large cut on the man's leg, before throwing him against a wall to knock him out. 

"Sharp work, samurai! That was awesome!" Lance said quietly. Keith chuckled. The two proceeded into the room, which turned out to be more of a hallway than anything. There was only one door at the end. They pushed it open quietly to reveal a room full of security monitors. Lance quickly took out the guard monitoring them, and the two flipped through the cameras to see if they could find Shiro. Eventually, they did. Keith was not happy. He didn't seem to be too scratched up, only the occasional bruise here and there. He was strapped to some kind of table, and a bunch of odd glowing machines and strange liquids lined the room. Someone entered the room, as shown by the brief light flashing on the floor in front of Shiro, and the dark shape of someone's head. Another, who looked to be a woman by the length of her hair, stepped beside Shiro. Her face was hidden by a long cloak. Keith almost growled when she put some kind of IV into Shiro's arm. The person standing before Shiro spoke. 

"Talk," They said, voice deep. 

"I'm telling the truth! I have no idea who either of them really is!" Shiro practically screamed. Keith and Lance glanced at each other. A silent question passed between the two, although they both knew that Shiro was talking about them. On screen, Shiro hissed in pain. Whatever was in that IV couldn't be good. 

"We need to find him," Keith said suddenly. 

"Agreed. I'll take right this time, you take left," Lance said as the two ran down the hall. 

"If either of us finds him, tell the other. And Lance?" Keith said. 


"If anything happens..." Keith trailed off, before looking Lance in the eye. "I love you," He said. Lance crushed him in a quick hug. 

"I love you too," He said before both ran off in opposite directions. Lance checked every room for some sign of activity, but they were all empty and dark. Keith had the same situation until he came across another hallway that was tucked away under a staircase. He went into the first room in the hall, which was pitch black. The door slammed behind him, and he struggled to see.

"Finally you've decided to join us," A voice said. Keith registered it as the same one that had spoken earlier to Shiro. Keith turned to face him, hand reaching for the sword at his hip. 

"Lance, I need-" Keith's voice cut off abruptly. 

"Keith? Keith, what happened? Keith!" Lance cried.

But all he heard was static. 

Part two of the three part finale will be posted tomorrow between 8 and 11 pm MST. Comment what you think is going to happen OR suggestions for things down below. 

We've finally made it to the last battle. 

But can you survive my cliffhangers? 

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