Chapter 20: Finale Part 3

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You're welcome 

A bullet shot through Lance's chest. Keith screamed. And then nothing happened. Lance looked down at his chest, before looking back up at Zarkon.

"Damn, you ruined my outfit," Lance said, sighing. 

"But... How? I shot you right in the heart!" Zarkon screamed. 

"Newsflash: You aren't gonna kill me. Or anyone else for that matter," Lance said, Pulling one sword out and holding it to his throat. Keith pulled out his own and put it behind him, effectively pinning Zarkon in place. Shiro walked up behind them with Haggar, her arms pinned behind her back. At that moment, Police cars pulled up in front of them, along with the expected news vans. Haggar and Zarkon were handcuffed and escorted to separate cars, while Keith and Lance were bombarded with interviewers. Even Shiro was asked a few questions. Nobody but Shiro, however, seemed to notice that the two boys hadn't let go of each other's hands. Once the news crews finally left, the boys relaxed. 

"We'll escort you home. Where to?" Keith asked, although he already knew. Shiro told him Pidge's address, and the three made their way to the house. The door flew open the second the doorbell rang, and Shiro was attacked in hugs. 

"Hey, I'm okay!" He said. "Thank these two for that," Shiro said when he finally escaped all the arms of his friends, gesturing to the two boys. Hunk squealed, Allura started clapping rapidly, and Matt and Pidge just stood there with gaping jaws. Pidge was the first to speak. 

"No fucking way!" She cried!

"Pidge, language!" Shiro said jokingly. 

"Oh shut your fuck, Shiro. You two, get in here!" Pidge demanded. Keith and Lance laughed but stepped inside. The door closed behind them, and immediately everyone in the house tried to bombard them with questions. 

"Woah, guys, calm down!" Keith said. They all immediately shut up. Keith glanced at Lance, who nodded. 

"So, we actually trust you guys a fair amount so..." Lance trailed off and looked at Keith. The two boys pulled their masks off at the same time. Yet again, jaws dropped. 



"Way!" Hunk finished for the group, who couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence. Hugs were exchanged after that, a few--okay, more than a few--tears were shed, and most of all, everyone was happy. The TV was on in the background, and it wasn't long before news of a small robbery came on screen. 

"One last run for the night?" Keith asked, pulling his mask on. 

"You know it!" Lance replied, pulling his own mask over his face. "Don't worry, we'll come back!" He called as they ran out the door. Thankfully it was small, the suspects caught quickly, and the two could return within the hour. They all talked for a while, even ordered a pizza, and enjoyed some well-deserved downtime with their friends. As the group chatted with Shiro once things died down, Keith and Lance managed to slip outside onto the swinging bench on Pidge's porch. 

"Are you okay?" Keith asked, lacing his finger's with Lance's. 

"Perfectly fine, actually. Funny thing about me," Lance said, looking at Keith. "I can't die."

"So that's why..." Keith trailed off, Lance knowing what he was going to say. 

"Why I didn't die at the cliff a while ago, and why I recovered so quickly," Lance said. 

"Still, don't go around almost dying. It scares me," Keith said with a chuckle, leaning on Lance's shoulder. The two sat in silence for a while, enjoying the cool night air and the quiet. They sat there for almost an hour before moving. 

"Lance?" Keith asked, sitting up. 

"Hmm?" Lance hummed in response. 

They kissed. 

When they broke, Lance ran a hand through Keith's hair, which had gotten even longer since they'd first met. 

"I still remember the night we met," Keith said quietly. "I saved you and then you kissed me."

"It was pretty great, wasn't it?" Lance replied with a smile.

"How... how did you know I wouldn't reject you?" Keith asked. 

"I just had a feeling," Lance said. 

"And what might that feeling be?" Keith asked with a smile. Lance grabbed his hand.

"That there was someone worth loving behind the mask."

                                                           ---THE END---

Wow. I can't believe it. This thing is finished. I might actually be sad guys! It's been a wild ride. 20 chapters, over 40k reads and 3k votes... I don't deserve all of this. This story started off as a little quick write for a friend, and now we're here. A week ago I didn't even want to finish it. Now? I'm sad its over. There might be a sequel in the future. As of now, I don't know. I have another fic to update and one to start writing, but this one will always hold a special place in my heart. Through the ups and downs, you guys all have been wonderful. From the happy comments at the end of fluffy chapters to the screaming ones i'm reading as I write this, the final Author's Note, I can honestly say i'll miss it. I'll miss all of you. So thanks, you guys, because this story really wouldn't be here without you. 

I'd like to keep hearing from you guys. I love seeing your reactions and fanart! THE FANART IS AMAZING! I'm easily accessible any time on Instagram! (heckingcoldoutside or lancethelivingmeme, both work)

Have story suggestions? Let me know! I'd love to keep writing little oneshots for you guys while having bigger fics going. 

And as always, i'll see you in the next fic. 

For the last time in this story, I love y'all, my beans. Each and every one of you.

Oh, and thanks for the memories. 


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