Chapter 1 - Stealing

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   My eyes burn from not blinking. The clock ticks slowly, clicking noises filling the silent classroom. I rest my head in my hand, focusing ahead of me instead of the test on my desk like I'm supposed to.  My eyes flicker to the clock once again.

   Five more minutes of torture, you can survive this.

  Today's Friday, the last day I have to come to this place for two months. Luckily tomorrow is summer, so I can do whatever I want and not have to stress over homework or anything else school related.

   The loud bell goes off, and I hastily pack all my things, rapidly standing and running out the door, as if the classroom was on fire.

   "Hey Jay, how was the test?" I come out of the classroom and face my one and only friend Will, who's leaning against the lockers casually in the busy hallway.

  "It was great!" I say, my voice heavy with sarcasm.

  Will rolls his eyes, "come on, lets get some lunch, I'm starving!"

  "You're always hungry."

Will pivots on his foot, walking backwards to look at me, "your point being?"

  "Never mind," I stare at the tiled floor as we stride forward, Will leading the way to the cafeteria. As we walk in, we're faced with a bustling room, Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores - me - everywhere. The line could very well be a mile long, no joke.

"Hurry up, you're walking like a dang turtle!" Will exclaims, motioning his hand for me to get a move on.

"I'm not hungry, I'll just meet you at the table," I say, heading the opposite direction towards the outcasted tables in the large lunch room.

"Okay, but don't expect me to give you food when you gripe to me that you're 'starving'" Will says, exaggerating the word in a low voice. I swear, he's never serious.

"Whatever, goodbye!" I wave, plastering a fake smile on my face and going to the table. I pull out a blue chair, the legs scraping against the tiles making me cringe. I swing my backpack off my shoulder, my books clapping against each other in my bag as they hit the floor with hard force.

I heave out a breath and stare out in front of me.

Sometimes - I don't know why - I feel like I don't belong. I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not the nerd or loner of the school, though it might seem that way. I'm just different. I'm not like the typical teenager: loud, stubborn, has a loving family, I'm the exact opposite.

   The last one is true, though it might seem strange. I don't have a family, I know nothing about my past, nothing about my origin, nothing about my parents. I'm what you call an orphan, a person with no parents to care for them. Though I must say that I am very fortunate for what I have, a roof over my head, food to eat, and clothes.

   In the house I live in, it's not just me, there's five others, Will being one. He's the same as me, we all are. Since we know nothing about our pasts - family, origin, etcetera - another thing you can add to the list is being "unnamed".

   We don't know our real names for either we never had one, or it just was never told and was forgotten. I guess you could say it's fun, to have your own dream name and not have your parents do it for you, but sometimes when I think to much about it, it causes pain.

  A chair from besides me screeches as it's pulled out, jarring me from my thoughts, "hey, you alright?"

  "What? Yeah, I'm fine," I say, breaking my gaze from space and focus it onto Will's tray. An amazing aroma fills my nose as I sniff in the sweet scent of fresh oranges. I bring my hand up and snatch the cup full of them. Before Will can even react, I take two at a time into my mouth and devour them, my taste buds tingling with sweetness. Yum.

  "Hey! I told you not to do that!" Will remarks, his voice sounding outraged.

"Yeah, I know. But it doesn't change the fact that I still did it," I say in between bites. Will knows I'm addicted to oranges, so it's practically his fault for getting them.

Will just rolls his eyes again, continuing to eat while I sit silently, watching everyone else. My gaze averts over to the 'jocks' table, where all the football guys sit. My eyes land on Keith, another one of the orphans that live in the Newman house - our care takers. He's laughing at something someone says, his pearly white teeth on full display.

   Sitting adjacent to him is Adam, his best friend who also happens to be another orphan. Ever since Keith showed up at the doorstep of the Newman house two years ago, the two have gotten really close to the point where they're inseparable.

   Another thing that's creepy, is that they look so alike it's scary. Both have their dark, chocolate brown hair and piercing brown eyes that captivate your mind. I kind of have a little crush on Keith though, I mean, I live with him so I know him and his personality. It's not like one of those crushes where one person is distant and watches the other, no, I guess you can kind of say that we're friends in a way, which...lead me to like him, but that's besides the point.

   I turn to stare at the large clock that is hung on the wall to the right side of the table.


  "The bells gonna ring, I'll see you later at home alright?" I speak, waving and leaving Will at the table. My next class - English - is all the way on the other side of the campus, making it a five or so minute walk, without any interruptions, but there hardly is since no one ever talks to me.

  Just two more hours, just two more hours and you can be free.


Hey there! And welcome to UNNAMED. I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter, and if you did please vote and comment! This chapter is new and is completely different from the original first chapter "Apples At Midnight" which used to be the first chapter, but it was long and boring and I wasn't satisfied, but I hope that this chapter is better, if you've read it before you know what I mean😉.

  Anyway, thank you for giving my book a chance and I hope that you'll enjoy! Like I said before, this is my first book here on Wattpad!




Question of the day:   How are you?😊

(The Song up above is We Won't Be Alone by Feint, it goes along with the book as you read on, so I just decided to put it up there🙂)

UNNAMED- Book One In The Unknown Identity Series Where stories live. Discover now