Chapter 13 - Scars Worth Remembering

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Keith's POV

I think it is time to tell her.

I could see that she was nervous, and I was afraid that I was gonna lose my mind, like I always do when I think about my past.

"Okay it all started like this..."

11 years ago - 2005

It was my sixth birthday; therefore I was turning six years old. My parents, Jim and Sandra, were in the kitchen when I was in the living room.

"What do we do?... I just can't do this anymore Jim. I just can't!" I heard my mother whisper, she was distraught.

"Sandra. We can't just leave him here, he's only six years old!"

I heard my mother curse, but couldn't tell what else she said.

"Sandra," My father spoke "If that's what you want, I will call them."

Call them. Call who?

Me and my family lived in an apartment that had two bedrooms in Phoenix. My best friend, and neighbor that lived three doors down from me (Brett) was a year older than me. He was seven.

I turned back to see that my mother was standing in the kitchen doorway, tears in her eyes.

"Mom?" I said. "Why are you crying? Are you okay, mommy?"

She didn't answer me immediately. But when she did her voice quivered.

"Goodbye Camden" was all she said. She then opened the door and left. My father looking at me, tears falling out of his eyes, followed behind.

"Mom! Dad! Come back!" I screamed.

I was only six, I didn't know much and didn't know what to do now. I started screaming and trying to open the door, but the door was locked from the outside. I ran to the window and saw that my parents take off in their car.

I was so hopeless. Why did they leave?

I wondered if they were gonna come back for me, but they didn't.

Within an hour. I cried myself to sleep. Then the doorbell rang. I didn't answer it because my parents taught me not to open the door for strangers. But I didn't have to open it, the person knocking unlocked the door and walked in.

I could hear their footsteps. They walked down the hall to my room. They walked in quietly. I turned back quickly to see who it was. It was a man, he looked to be in his late twenties, maybe early thirties.


I looked at the man some more. He had on a suit and tie, looking all official. He had sunglasses covering his eyes. His hair was cut short.

I got up and ran through the door, kicking the man in the shin. I ran and hid myself behind the couch.

"Camden, buddy where are you?" He quietly said. "I'm Walker, come on out. You can trust me I promise. Please show yourself. I won't hurt you."

I came out from behind the couch to see him, Walker with a needle. He spotted me and seized me. He grabbed me by the hem of my shirt and yanked me out. He stuck the needle in my leg and I instantly screamed in pain. Walker put his hand over my mouth then, everything went black.


When I woke up again. I was somewhere that I've never seen or been before. It was another apartment, but there was no door to the outside world. It was bigger than my previous apartment.

UNNAMED- Book One In The Unknown Identity Series Where stories live. Discover now