Chapter 31 - Denver

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"We're here."

Sandra took a sharp turn around a corner. We're downtown now, the capital building standing in front of us big, and beautiful.

    Over in the field, there's people with lawn chairs and picnic blankets set up

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Over in the field, there's people with lawn chairs and picnic blankets set up. Children roam the grounds, some playing tag and others just racing one another.

Farther back in the field though, there's a group of about twenty to thirty teenage boys playing football.

"Where would you like me to drop you guys off at?"

"Up here." Keith blankly says. His expression, unreadable, but it seems like he wasn't as upset as he was before.

Sandra pulls the Jeep up to the spot he pointed at and put the car in park. Keith instantly jumps out of the car, almost as if it were on fire. Sandra just let out a light breath.

I clear my throat. "Thank you, for the ride here Sandra. We couldn't have made it here without your help." I say.

"No problem, Jay." She says , shooting me a grateful smile. She then flickers her brown eyes in front of the car. Keith was nowhere in sight. "I just wish that I could do something to help him. To help him forget about the past. To tell him that I'm sorry for everything that I've put him through." She sighed.

"I could go talk to him, if you'd like." I offer.

"Thank you dear, please. Try and persuade him to talk to me, I'll get out in a minute. I just want you two to have some time."

I gave her a reassuring smile and nodded. "He'll come around, know he will."

I hop out of the car and went around to the front. And when I went around to the right side, I saw Keith with his head in between his legs, which were up tight against his chest and his arms are wrapped around them.

I slowly stride over to him and crouch, sitting down next to him.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask, placing a gentle hand on his knee.

The next thing I knew I'm being pulled into a tight embrace. He held me close to his chest, I could hear his heart racing. Keith buries his face into the crook of my neck and ran my fingers through his hair, to try and soothe him.

"Thank you." He mumbles into my neck.

"For what?"

"For staying with me, instead of leaving. Thank you trying to comfort me through my problems."

"You're welcome Keith. I understand that this is hard, but you have to talk to her soon. It's your choice on what you want to do, but you can't leave her in the dark forever." I whisperer into his ear, still running my fingers through his soft, brown locks.

"You're right. B-but I don't think that, that I'm ready to face her, she brings up way to many memories." He chokes through breaths, his chest hitching.

"You are ready, trust me. You are strong, one of the strongest guys I've ever met in my entire life. Please, trust me. She is really sorry for what happened and she wants to make it up to you."

"What would I say?" He asks.

"Nothing, just let her do the talking for a while. Let her explain everything, why she gave you up, why she's here now. Please just go and talk to her."

He let out a sigh and moves so that we were face-to-face now, we were only inches apart from each other.

   He then closed the gap between us, pecking my lips. Then he pulls away and places a lingering kiss on my forehead, my cheeks feeling hot.

  "What would I ever do without you?" He says before getting up and walking to the passenger door. He opens it and glances my way, I gave him a reassuring smile and waved him on.

    He gets inside and closes the door, leaving me on the side of the car. I receivesome dirty looks, but I could care less.

    I scoot my body slowly to the curb, careful to avoid the water that is trickling down the gutter from the sprinklers. I watch the kids run and play. Screaming at one another saying "tag!" Or "your it!" I watch families sit and have conversations with one another. 

   I turned to watch the boys play football down the field. They threw the ball and punt it.

   I absolutely know nothing about football...

   I pull myself up all the way onto grass and lie back, watching as the clouds float slowly over my head. The sun shinning bright and birds were soaring with one another freely.

    I hope that Keith is taking what Sandra was telling him okay. I hate to see him mad once again, because he has had a tough childhood.

   I sat up again, mounding my arms behind me as I gaze up at the capitol building. The gold roof sparkling in the sunlight. When I glnace down the street, I see heat waves rising from the asphalt. I can feel the sun beat on my back, beads of sweat are collecting along my forehead. Today's very hot, I would have guessed it to be somewhere in the 90's.

To pass the time while I waited, I played with threads from my shirt, intertwining it in between each of my fingers. Then a sharp pain whizzed through my leg. I winced in pain, trying to hold back a scream. I stare down at my ankle, rolling up my pant leg to see why it suddenly sent pain signals throughout my body.

Grass is poking at the wound, making little indents into the sensitive, bruised skin. I'm too afraid to touch it; I didn't want to damage it more than it already is. And when I get home, I'm going to have to do something about it.

The inner core was turning darker shades of blue, almost black. It should have healed by now... I mean it has been like seven or eight days since it's happened.

I just hope that it's just swelling, not anything serious.

One could hope...


   Nine more chapters till the end😢


Question of the day: How tall are you?


UNNAMED- Book One In The Unknown Identity Series Where stories live. Discover now