3 ➣ not springish

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"so, the school, it's called spring ridge?" i asked sadie as we walked along the sidewalk.

"yeah, but i guess you could say that it's not very springish," she suggested. "it's quite boring, and pretty lonely. except noah. and now, finn."

i could the school nearing in the distance, its big sign and colorful bricks. "looks quite happy." i said, smiling.

"nope." sadie said. i looked behind me, because i knew that's where finn was walking. i noticed he wasn't walking alone.

i saw a short figure, then i realized it was sadie's friend noah. they held hands, and honestly; it was adorable.

i tapped sadie's shoulder, motioning her to turn around and look at them. she made 'aw' sounds and looked at noah.

he smiled at sadie with his mouth forming words. 'i think he likes me!'

sadie agreed, then turned back around. i glanced down at our hands side by side, and grabbed hers. "we're here."

we had identical schedules, and i couldn't have been happier. great minds think alike i suppose.

now that i actually look, her hair is pretty. and her eyes. her eyes are gorgeous. i didn't really realize all this until now.

she couldn't know though, because isn't that the point of crushes? they aren't supposed to know a thing.

i continued along the walkway until we reached the entrance. "we're here!" the school was huge. at least, huge compared to my last school.

"millie," she said, looking at me. "our lockers aren't close, but they're along the same hallway. meet me by mine when you've got your stuff."

she left me, and i went to the number locker i was assigned to. C-31. it was right next to finn, considering we were gifted with the same last name.

"do you think there's any other kids with brown as their last name?" finn asked, fiddling with his combination.

"well, i'm sure. there's a lot of people with our last name." i said, slamming my locker shut. i waved to finn, who was still fiddling with that damn lock, and went off to meet sadie.

i arrived at the end of the hall. "hey!" i said, and she did that wide smile she always did. noah was standing by her, but i couldn't yell at first because of his height.

"schnapple." i said, and sadie high fived me.

"oh, by the way, i asked your brother out." noah said ever so calmly, glancing at me. of course, i freaked out.

"and what did he say? oh my god!" i was pacing in the halls, and i knew sadie wanted me to remain calm. she was laughing but i knew she was a tiny bit annoyed.

"he said yes," he paused. "and he said i was the cutest thing ever."

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