Chapter 28

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Hey guys. I wanted to quickly post this before i rush off to soccer.

Ok so I have been diagnosed with a couple of illnesses to add ontop of the ones i already have and lucky me, they are lifelong ones. Sorry, thats just me whining but I wont be able to post as much as I will have a lot more doctors appointments.

I want to say a giant thankyou too:

* Anyone who has fanned me

* Anyone who has voted for me

* Anyone who has given me feedback

* Anyone who has been incredibly nice (You know who you are : D) 

* ANyone who has read 

*And of course. The boys. Liam, Niall, Harry, Zayn and Louis; you are perfect.


Moving on. 


This one is a big one :)



April’s P.O.V

A month had passed since Harry had left. I was no longer confused; I knew that I loved Paul and that I would slowly get over Harry once again. Paul was being so supportive, such a great boyfriend, even though he didn’t know what had upset me. I wasn’t going to tell him about my night with Harry, it would break his heart.

Lily knew what was happening but she kept her mouth shut, standing in the background, being an amazing friend.

I was sitting in my doctor’s surgery. My period had always been irregular but I had been feeling sick and being completely exhausted for the past 2 weeks. I explained this to my doctor and he just nodded his head.

“It could be any number of things,” He explained, “but we should take a blood test to be sure that you are ok.” I nodded and pulled my cardigan up so he could stick a large, scary needle in my arm.

** **

I was sitting on m couch, feeling nauseous and nibbling on a plain cracker when the doctor called.

“Miss Thomas?” He asked. “We got the results of your test back.”

“Yes, and?” I asked, nervous to what it might be.

“You are perfectly fine, you have enough iron in your system and everything else seems to be in check.” He continued.

“Well whats wrong with me then? Why am I feeling this bad?”

“Umm, you are actually pregnant Miss Thomas, congratulations. The child would have been conceived around one month ago. I’ll leave you to your thoughts but if you need any information, please come and ask. Goodbye Miss Thomas.”

I was speechless. Doing the math in my head, I realised that Harry was the only possible father. Paul and I hadn’t slept together at the right times and we always used a condom. Harry and I had been so overcome with passion and lust that we forgot about protection. Shit.

** **

“Well what are you going to do?” Lily asked. I had told her everything.

“I am going to move back in with my mum, do uni part time over the internet and get a job until I finish my degree. I am going to have a baby.” I said, still a bit stunned.

“What about Paul, he is bound to figure out that it’s not his when the kid turns 5 and is sprouting curly hair and dimples!” Lily chuckled. I threw a pillow at her from the other end of the room.

“I am not going to lie to him. I will break up with him and tell him the truth.” I told Lily.

“And Harry?” Lily asked.

“I can’t tell Harry. It would mess up his career and he would want to be involved. I still don’t know whether I can trust him.” I was still so confused about everything.

“He needs to know, it’s his child too.” Lily pointed out.

“I just can’t right now. But you need to leave, Paul is coming over and I have to end it with him.”

Lily nodded and picked up her bag and keys. “Good luck!” She called as she stepped out of the apartment.

Great. Now I have to tell my boyfriend that I cheated on him with a pop star, got pregnant with his kid and that I can’t be with him anymore.

** **

Closing the door behind Paul, I wiped at my tear stained cheeks. The look on his face when I confessed everything was so heart breaking. I needed to move on though. I walked into my bedroom and picked up one of the boxes that I had picked up on my way home yesterday. I started to pack my things into them. Mum had been so understanding when I told her everything and I was looking forward to being around her all the time, she knew exactly what to say.


So what did you think? It is a bit dramatic so did I go too far?

Would love some feedback. :)



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