Chapter 3

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April’s P.O.V

My head felt there was a large weight in it. I felt groggy and confused.  As I opened my eyes and looked around the room, I saw that I was in a hospital. I tried to think of my last my memory, I then smiled after realising what happened. After saying goodbye, I was sad to leave. Then as I was waiting for the lift, I turned around and saw One Direction walking towards me, Harry in the lead. I laughed, I mean, who wouldn’t. I had just said goodbye and here they were again. Harry placed his arm around my shoulders and I almost stopped breathing, it was incredible. His hand softly stroked my arm and it left tingles on my skin. Then my memory just stopped. I sighed and tried to sit up, but as I did, my head spun. I groaned loudly and that appeared to gain the attention of Jane, who was watching the TV in the corner of my hospital room.

Jane stood up and smiled as she walked over to one side of the bed. “Hey”, she grinned “your awake, that’s awesome.”

“Yeah, ummm what happened because everything is a little foggy? The last solid thing I remember is Harry Styles putting his arm around me in a lift” I replied, smiling at my last memory.

 “You got punched in the head as you were leaving the conference centre.” Jane answered

“I got punched in the head? By who?” I was shocked, I know some people don’t like me, but I didn’t know I had made someone mad enough to punch in the head.

“Oh some random that was jealous that Harry flipping Styles had his arm around you. Can I just fan girl with you on that for a moment” Jane giggled, “Nice catch.”

I blushed and filled her in on the events of the day.  Just as I got up to the big hug from the boys, I heard a soft knock at the door. It was my mum and she worried over me for a couple of minutes, apologised for not getting here sooner and then bustled out of the room to cancel my tennis lesson for that afternoon. Soon after my mum had re- entered the room, a nurse came in to check on me. After discussing my situation for a couple of minutes, three things became clear. I had an average concussion, I would have to do some tests with a doctor for the next couple of hours, and I would be a bit tired for a couple of days.

** **

After I got released from hospital, I spent the next day sleeping, waking early evening to see a note on the counter telling me that mum had gone to a play and will be back late. I fixed myself breakfast/lunch/dinner and sat at the computer to check out my Twitter. As my eyes wandered over the screen, my gaze dropped to my followers. I gasped as I saw that my followers had grown from 23 to over 6,000. I clicked the mentions tab, only to confirm what my thoughts had already decided. People had heard of my recent time with One Direction and the violent fan, and now they wanted to see what I would do next. What I couldn’t figure out what how they knew my name and my twitter.

As I sat there wondering what to tweet, a thought crossed my mind. I opened Harrys Styles’ twitter. There was a tweet from him, dated around a day ago.

Hope that @AprilThomas gets well soon. Sorry about the knock to the head babe. xxx

So that’s where they learnt about my twitter account. Harry Styles called me babe. Haha. I scrolled further down, where I saw a tweet from during the meeting.

Met an awesome fan. @AprilThomas, Hope to see more of your lovely face.

My cheeks flushed scarlet. Wow. Harry Styles called my face lovely. This was beyond crazy. I was going to check out some of the mentions when I heard the doorbell ring. I clumped down the stairs and pulled open the door. I almost fainted when I saw who was waiting for me.

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