2. Amegakure

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The first thing I awoke to was the feeling of coldness and to the sound of a wailing baby. 'Who's baby is that?' I thought absentmindedly before the pain suddenly hit me. And it hit me hard. It felt like a jackhammer kept hitting me upside the head, or was it on my bottom..? I couldn't tell.

I clenched my eyes tightly as the pain blossomed. 'Damn, they still punish you in the afterlife?'

Sluggish, I set about moving, but after a few tries, I found that I couldn't. I was confined in a trap, and I later realized that it was getting harder to breathe.

I heard footsteps come even closer, while I was relieved that help was coming, it made me feel a little more claustrophobic. It didn't help that the baby's wailing from before got even louder.


As the person got even more close, I could hear strings of curses coming from its mouth.

"Ahhhh, can't you find a way to shut this thing up? It hasn't stopped crying all day! I'm starting to get a headache." A nasally female voice said.

'A woman? Is she going to help me?' I thought. I turned to try and look at her but remembered about my predicament.

In an effort to get her attention, I started yelling, "Hey, Lady! Mind if you help me out, I'm having trouble getting out of this trap! Earlier there was this gu-" I was interrupted when I heard the baby's crying turn into babbling, then silence.

'What the...?'

I started freaking out when the world started moving. 'What's happening?' I thought.

A fat man's face suddenly appeared in front of mine. His eyes glaring, but what got my attention was the size of his head. It was enormous, and the fact that he was wearing a headband...?

"Finally, if the wailing continued I would've done something to the kid." The annoyance showed in his face.

"When are we going to get rid of him?" He said to someone, most likely the lady from before.

"After, we'll have this child's family pay-"

"They already did," Another voice interrupted her speech.

She screeched, "Really!?"

I winced, 'How is it possible for a voice to go that high?'

"Un, They said that they didn't need a bastard child like him in the family. And to just keep him, they even paid a ton of money." He said thoughtfully.

He looked at the fat man, then at me.

"So.. what do we do with the baby, now?" The fat man asked while staring at me. I blinked, "Baby? You must be blind, sir. I am 65-year-old man going on to my-" but babbling was all I heard. After a short while of hearing a baby continue to babble, and not actual words, I began to feel suspicious. A niggling thought appeared in the back of my mind. Something was wrong. I began to shake. No, I realized. He was shaking me.

He looked down only to see.. hands... A realization dawned on him.

'I'm being held.. in his hands!' And suddenly I felt faint after the full truth dawned upon me, 'I'm a baby! That was why I heard a baby crying earlier. It was me!' Mizuki felt as though he was about to throw up. They glanced at him, and the man holding him held him a short distance away from his body.

"Just leave the child, we don't have much time left, we have to get out of Amegakure before the boss starts getting pissed." The man from before, the leader probably, said.

"I feel bad for the kid, getting kidnapped by us, but hey we're also trying to survive!" He guffawed. "And did you see that woman? His mother? She was super ugly! The father, too! I wonder how they got a child this good looking. I managed to see him when we took the kid." He stressed the word 'super' then started shaking me harder in laughter.

"Yup, she was uglier than me!" They nasally sounding woman said. They continued talking while the other man counted the money he was given.

"He's a bastard child remember?" He finally said.

While all this was happening above my head, a single word managed to stick. 'Amegakure? What's that? What's going to happen to me?' I thought, ignoring the comment about my, my.. new birth parents look. Ignoring the fact about being a bastard.

And just like that, I was abandoned.

They left me to rot on a piece of newspaper on the ground near a garbage can. It was just outside of the hidden hideout they were just in.

They left me with no food, my stomach grumbled just thinking about it. I couldn't have been a few hours old, how could these people have kidnapped a baby? Unless it was planned by my 'family'. I was left with no clothes, or any other necessities that I needed in order to live. I was naked, and I was afraid. I hadn't eaten at all since I was born. 'I'm probably going to contract a disease before I actually die of hunger.'

I stared blankly into the sky for who knows how long before my small eyes narrowed in anger, I looked at my appendages on disgusts before sighing.

It was then that I had finally accepted the fact that I had been reborn, and that my new birth family had abandoned me. 'What a shitty life.'

Now that the kidnappers got what they wanted I was alone. I felt determination rise inside of me. There was no way I would allow letting myself die again. Dying once was enough, and it was because I let a person close to me, I know now not to trust others, the only person I trust is myself. Everyone else would just be a nuisance. And though these little limbs of mine are weak, I will train to make all those who wronged me regret ever doing so.

My journey was only starting. The only question was 'how' I was going to start it.


Coming Up: Journey Ch. 3

[A/N] I felt a bit unsure of how this chapter would go, so it turned out like this. Thanks, to those who are reading attempt at fanfiction. But I assure you that it will get better, I hope.

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