Following Her Part 1

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This is my first EVER fanfic so not too much hate all right? All credit to the creators of one of my favorite shows of all time.

Marco Diaz was stunned. He had never been more stunned, not when Star had first arrived on Earth, not when Star had given her wand up for him and not when Jackie had asked him to the dance. He stood in the middle of the room, HER room, unable to move a muscle. He felt tears flow down his cheeks.

"Marco?" asked a female voice behind him.

Marco whipped around, "Star?!". But alas no, it was Jackie. Marco noticed her frown managed to drop even lower.

"I...I'm sorry," he said sheepishly, unable to make eye contact.

He felt her hand place itself on his shoulder, "it's okay, she'll be back." Marco wanted to believe her, but he knew deep down Star meant every word she had said, about leaving forever and about her crush on Marco.

He wiped away his tears. How could he be so stupid? How could he not see the signs she liked him? He wanted to hate Star for not telling him sooner but he just couldn't. She would never hate him, so why should he?

Just why? Why couldn't she have told him earlier?

Later that night:

Everyone had left, whether to get away from the drama or to give Marco some distance. Marco was glad they did, nobody should see him in this state. He had to lock himself in his room so Jackie wouldn't follow him and his parents wouldn't try and comfort him.

Marco stared at the room around him. It was so... so normal that it was weird. He was used to seeing a beanbag chair-monster walking around or Star dancing about.

"Star". Every time he thought of her, he felt a dagger to his heart. He wanted to blame someone for her disappearance, but he just couldn't. So he blamed himself, he put himself through the pain of seeing her old room. He looked around, wanting so hard to see Star run through a portal straight into his arms and embrace him. Just like it had been before.

He looked around the room, one last time before he would go to bed. He had been up since midnight waiting for Star to come back. But she hadn't, and Marco could feel his eyes drooping, sleep overtaking his body. The alarm clock on the bedside table read 4am, its red light illuminating the room. It casted shadows similar to monsters Star and he had fought together, but they somehow seemed more sinister without Star.

A glint of light caught his eyes; he arched an eyebrow as he walked towards the closet door...

Again this is my first fanfic so take it easy on roasting me in the comments. Please tell me anything I should work on and what I should start doing to improve this. Thank you so much to the group members willing to read this and comment on my post. Love you guys!

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