Following Her Part 3

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Yup I'm back after a long break for exams and I apologize for the wait. If you like these kind of Starco stories I would suggest

By robertkellett. It's a really good story with an even better concept (read to find out). Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter <3!

"Ughhh, where are they?" a Marco grunted. He had been looking through his whole room for them. He was normally neat but now his whole room had been turned upside down. Shelves had been left hanging open, books were strewn all over the floor and his red hoodies were hanging everywhere. Despite all this, he still had not been able to find them, it had been what? Hours since he had started looking and he hadn't slept much since the party, but only now did he really feel the pain of pulling all his clothes and books out.

But no. It was a chance to save Star and no matter how bad, painful or tired he was, he was not going to give up on Star. She wouldn't give up on him; heck she had even given her wand up to save Marco from that lizard guy. Sheldon? Toffee, that's right. Cautiously, Marco turned his head and saw that the finger was still in the cage. Phew. As soon as Marco had realized what it was, he had immediately put it away in case it ran away. "Can fingers run?" he asked himself, "nah they crawl like caterpillars."

"Great I'm talking to myself again," Marco sighed. He decided he would take a 10-minute break from all the searching. Maybe he could make some nachos; after all, Star always loved his 'triangle foods'. But alas no, Star was gone, on Mewni unless Marco could find them. Irritated, he jumped on his bed, sending the piles of clothes and books he had tossed on it flying in different directions.

"Thanks me, now that's even more of a mess I have to clean up," Marco complained, more irritated than ever.

He was about to lie down when he noticed something on his pillow. The pink book he had found in Star's closet was forgotten on his bed. "Well, might else well see what this is," he said under his breath as he opened up to the first page.

'Mom's a poop head'. Marco froze, desperately trying to fish out the memory. He had read it before, that much he was certain of. He turned to a page nearer to the middle; it read 'My thoughts on Marco'. The memories came back all at once; getting stuck in Star's secret closet, she dipping down to get him out of the closet and her diary... That's what the book was, so should he keep reading? He knew it was wrong, but Star had already confessed her crush so it was all right to read on, right?

Taking a deep breath, he continued reading...

'I met Marco on my first day of Earth school. Somehow the principal knew were going to best friends, and we still are!' Marco smiled as he read this, It was true they were best friends, they still were right...

'Everyone calls him the Safe Kid but I think he's rather, wild. He doesn't seem to care that he has to fight monsters and could get hurt. But we're invincible battle partners, and no one makes better nachos than him. He's really kind and nice, and kind of cute (Marco feels himself blush as he reads this). He helps me with everything, no matter how weird a dimension (Marco cringes at the memory of the Human headed cat dimension), how bad I mess up or how down in the dumps I feel. (Marco remembers cheering Star up when she didn't receive the call from Oskar). He's always there for me, my best friend, my mess-up twin, my soul mate.'

Marco remembers the blood moon ball, how he had seen Star alone, looking uncomfortable, how he had just approached her and started dancing in the moon's red light, binding their souls for eternity. They had never talked about that night, but if anything, they had grown closer after that dance.

'He would do so many things, no matter how crazy, for me... and I know he would do the same for me.' Marco takes his eye off the book, remembering how terrified he had been when Toffee had captured him. How powerless he had felt. But he also recalled how Star had given up her wand to save him without hesitation. And yet he had never repaid her for that effort. Saving her from that black hole didn't count, he hadn't lost everything important to him that night, Star had.

He decided he should see when her feelings for him had started, so he flipped the book to the end.

'Song-day was horrible, well except for Ruberiot's singing. But everything else was terrible, the whole kingdom is angry with my parents, my parents are refusing to talk to me and Marco knows... or maybe he only suspects. I poured my heart out to Ruberiot so that the song would be me. But noooo, he had to go and include my crush on Marco. I mean I only started liking him after that school dance, or was it sooner? Where did he even get that image of Marco and me, maybe I should ask him for a copy? No! What if Marco finds it, then he'll know for certain that I like him, maybe he likes me back? Who am I kidding, he likes Jackie, and he's liked her for ages. He's so happy with her, maybe I shouldn't tell him it might ruin our friendship. But things are awkward between us, and it'll help to get it off my chest right? ARGHHH, why is this so hard. I just want things back to normal, with us having fun and hanging out. Maybe I'll tell him at that party he's throwing...'

Marco was stunned; Star had liked him for ages and had never told him. How could he have been so dense and not seen it. She had kept all those feelings to herself, just so he could be happy. That was unfair, she had lost so much because of him and he couldn't even find his pair of dimensional scissors! More determined than ever, he decided to ask his parents if they had taken it by accident.

Marco was just about to call out to his mom when he realized someone was standing in the doorway.

"Hey Marco, you feeling any bett..." Marco recognized Jackie's voice. She was clearly taken aback by how messy his room was. Marco let his shoulders slump; he felt a warm hand place itself on his shoulder. "I'll take that as a no," she sighed. They sat in silence, but thoughts were racing around in Marco's head. He liked Jackie, sure, but Star liked him. And did he like Star? Sure she was kind, helpful, funny and pretty cute but she was his best friend, and its not like he like liked her, right?

"So you're gonna go find her?" Jackie said, breaking the silence and Marco's train of thought. Marco nodded, not trusting his voice that he would say something he didn't mean to say, it was like having a Naysaya again.

"Well your gonna need those scissors on your desk if you're gonna go and find her," Jackie said pointing at the very pair of scissors Marco had spent hours looking for. Dejectedly, Marco face palmed himself, god he was dense.

"Ye..Yeah I guess," Marco finally said, "But Jac... kie, when Star gets back, things might be different." He said this very softly, obviously embarrassed.

"You like her don't you?" Jackie asked. But she wasn't annoyed or angry, if anything she sounded, curious.

Marco didn't know what to say, he was confused. More confused than when he had first met Star. But there was one thing he was certain of; he would go looking for Star, no matter how difficult the journey would be. He grabbed one of his hoodies, the scissors and stared at Jackie, the crush of his life.

"I..I'm sorry Jackie, you didn't deserve this," Marco managed; he could only imagine how she felt.

"Nah, it's alright, you earned me 20 bucks from Janna anyways," Jackie said slyly before giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"Wait what?" Marco demanded, the old him would have blushed at being kissed by Jackie but the new Marco was surer of himself.

"Just a little bet going around," she said, somehow sounding even more cunning. She stood up, tying her helmet on her head. "Good luck Marco, and go find Star for me, for all of us"

With those words, he opened up a portal, he was going to need some help first, and he knew exactly where to find it. He took one step inside the portal, feeling the all too familiar heat of the Underworld.

Whooo long chapter, I hope everyone liked it and reviews and things needed to be fixed up or changed are welcome. My new story, Mundo Time Escapade, will be out soon. <Title provided by a friend of mine ;)> But anyways I hope all of you liked it and I can't express how happy I am that I somehow passed 1k reads( ! Thank you everyone again, and until next time. <3 THESINGHER

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