Following Her Part 2

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Thanks so much everyone for reading and following my fanfic. I did expect this to be read by this many people. This chapter might not be as good as the first one and I apologize for that. Sorry it took so long. But anyways read ahead:

Marco stood bewildered in front of the now open closet door. Marco thought Star had transported everything back to Mewni. Instead, here was her secret closet with all her stuff left behind. Everything was left exactly as it was when Marco was stuck here. He remembered how Star had to 'dip down' to free him.

There it was again, Star. The more he thought of her, the more painful it was for him. Why did she have to leave Earth? Marco knew it was more than the fact that Star had a crush on him. Star would only leave him if she thought he was truly in danger. But they had fought Ludo and his minions countless of times. What was the real reason for Star's disappearance then?

"THUD". He froze in shock, his eyes wide in fear. The sound echoed through the room. For a second he thought star was trying to scare him. His eyes lit up with joy at the thought of Star but his smile turned lopsided as he remembered she had left, maybe for good.

Curiously, he advanced towards the source of noise with a level of caution. He knew none of Star's creatures would hurt people. Well besides the laser puppies, or narwhals. He was so deep in thought he tripped and fell face first onto the ground. He swore he could hear Star's giggle but when he looked behind him all he saw was a pink book with colorful stickers decorating it.

"So that's what tripped me," he whispered to himself. Curiously, he picked it up, completely forgetting the noise. He blew the dust off the book and regretted it instantly. His nose started having a little spasm; it took all of his willpower to not sneeze. At least now he could clearly see the book in his hands. It seemed familiar, with Star's handwriting on the front. It wasn't Star's spell book; it was much too small and besides Ludo still had it. He stared at the pink ratty book trying to recall when he had seen it before.

"THUD" there it was again. The loud banging noise Marco had heard before. Letting out a sigh of resignation, Marco turned back his attention to finding the source of the mysterious noise. Shifting through the piles of rubbish, hair and was that a head? Shivering Marco decided to focus his search as far as possible away from that area.

"THUD" it seemed to be coming from a half buried cabinet just a few meters away. It seemed to be covered made of some kind of wood, except it was charcoal black. Marco didn't know how this bleak, dull piece of furniture could find its way to the brightest, most fun girl he knew. Maybe whatever was inside could help him get back to Star. Avoiding any sense of caution he might have had when he was the "safe-kid", he threw open the doors and stared crestfallen at a finger, a green reptilian finger...

Yeah sorry if it was wasn't as good as the previous one; I've been really busy with exams and such. The next chapter might not come out for another week or 2 so sorry in advance. I tried to change the style a bit so comment below if you prefer this style or not. I'm so grateful for all of you for reading this, following and commenting. 

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