Chapter 9

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"Erin, Erin can I pet Alfie?" Jordan asked excitedly as she approached.

"Of course sweetie. Alfie sit," Erin commanded. Jay and Erin were just returning from a Saturday afternoon walk. One of her neighbours, Monica, was unloading her two small children, Jordan and Milli, and groceries from the car.

"You managed to get a decent parking spot, can I give you a hand with that stuff?" Jay offered.

"Oh yes, I did get lucky. And thanks Jay, but it's just the two bags I should be good.  Come on Jordan, we need to get lunch on so we're not late for your friend's birthday party."

"But mom I'm playing with Alfie." Jordan whined.

"Actually buddy, we're headed up now too. Monica, let me take the bags since we're heading to the same place." Jay again offered.  Erin smiled. He was always such a gentleman.

"Ok, thanks." Monica relented. "Come on monkeys, let's go."  She called after the kids.

Jordan sighed, "Sorry Alfie. Guess I have to go now."  His face lit with an idea, "Erin, can I hold his leash while we walk up?" The eager six year old asked. Erin and Jay exchanged glances. After Alfie had been spooked so easily by strangers last week they'd both taken to keeping a tighter hold on the leash. Jay's look confirmed Erin's thoughts that they weren't quite ready to relinquish his leash to such a young person.  

"Alfie's pretty big sweetie and he's still learning how to behave. Why don't you help me with his leash instead?" Erin offered, trying not to crush the boy and making room for his little hand to help hold the loop on the leash.

He considered it for a minute then shrugged and took hold of the leash with Erin. "Oh I almost forgot. Mom bought me new Pokemon cards today! Wanna see?" He began fishing the cards out of his pocket before Erin could answer. "Look at this one... He's got got 130 health and 120 damage points. And this one is Mega Charizard," he excitedly explained. Erin had no clue what Jordan was saying but she fiend interest.

"Jordan, let's go. Stop boring Erin with your cards." Monica pipped in, sending Erin an apologetic look. Erin smiled in return, letting her know it was okay. Jordan was a cute kid.

"Ok mom," Jordan said, trying to straighten the cards. One fell to the ground and before he could bend to pick it up, a gust of wind  swooped it away. It tumbled out onto the road. Jordan took off after it. "Oh no, that's my favourite." He cried.

The adults yelled at him to stop. Erin, being closest, grabbed after him but he slipped out of her reach and charged into the road. Her heart leapt to her throat as she watched the traffic coming towards Jordan. She dropped Alfie's leash and ran after him, Jay on her heals waving at the oncoming cars to stop.

A horn blared out and tires screeched but it was too late. A blue sedan sent Jordan flying back several feet. Monica's screams pierced the air. Both Jay and Erin flew to Jordan's side. Jay had his phone out quick to call for help while Erin tried to assess Jordan. He was unconscious but she found a heart beat and he was breathing.

She turned her head to check on the driver and saw him bolt from the car. "Hey!" she yelled, "get back here." He ran through the zig zag of cars that had stopped since the accident. Alfie barked and took off after him. "Jay, go,"

"You're good?"

"Yeah." She returned her focus to Jordan.

"Ambos on its way." He said, getting up.

"Ok go."

Jay took off after the driver. "CPD stop!" he yelled. But the man only sped up. Erin watched as the man, then Alfie, then Jay disappeared around a corner. She turned her attention back to the small child laying on the pavement beneath her.  "Jordan sweetie, it's okay. Help is coming. I'm here. You're mom's here."

Monica recovered from her shock and came rushing forward. "Oh my god, is he..."

"He's breathing," Erin reassured her quickly, "but we shouldn't move him." 

Monica took hold of her son's hand and started whispering franticly, trying to wake her boy and comfort him all at once. Erin looked up to find Milli. The four year old stood frozen in place by the bottom step of their building. The sound of sirens pulled Erin's attention back to Jordan. She pulled Monica aside as Brett and Burelli assessed the boy and loaded him onto the stretcher.

"You need to go with him." Erin said calmly. "Is Chis at work? Can I call him for you?"

"No, he's in Boston on business. He's not due back until Thursday.  Milli? What do I do with her?" Monica was clearly overwhelmed.

"Don't worry. She can stay with me while you're gone. And you can call Chris from the hospital once you have a better idea what's going on."

"Really? You wouldn't mind watching her?" Monica said relieved.

Erin nodded. "We'll be just fine. Go with Jordan. He needs you."


Jay charged after the hit and run driver. Alfie raced ahead of him. He wasn't sure what Alfie would do if he caught up to the driver given how terrified of strangers he could be at times. Jay had half a mind to hold the asshole down while he let the dog lunch on him once they caught him. And Jay was going to catch this bastard.

They turned down the lane way. The driver glancing over his shoulder at Alfie and Jay periodically as he charged ahead. Alfie picked up his pace, closing the gab between him and the driver, then leaped into the air knocking the driver to the ground. The man let out a loud yelp as Alfie's teeth made contact with his shoulder. The driver swung wildly trying to free himself of the dog on his back but Alfie held tight. Jay pulled the driver's arm behind his back, slammed his knee into the driver's spine and called Alfie off. The dog didn't move.

"Alfie heal," Jay said, more forcefully. The dog let go and sat staring at the driver. Jay pulled the driver's other arm behind his back. "You're under arrest." Jay bit out.

"A doctor! I need a doctor and you're damn sure I'm gonna have that dog put down!" He cried out. Jay ignored him.

Jay heard feet pounding towards him and looked back to see two uniforms running his way. He passed off the driver to them and walked over to Alfie. Squatting down he pet Alfie's head. "Nice job buddy. You can ride along with me and your mom anytime. Come on let's go see how Jordan's doing."

Jay collected Alfie's leash and headed back to where Jordan had been hit. He crossed the road just as the ambo pulled away. "Hey, how is he?" Jay asked Erin as he approached.

"They think he had a concussion, hit his head pretty hard on the pavement but other than that they won't know until the hospital can assess him better."

Jay nodded and looked past Erin at Molli. "Their dad on route?"

"No. He's in Boston. Molli's going to stay with me until we know more." Jay nodded again. "Alfie okay?" Erin asked, looking the dog over.

"Yeah. He's got a hell of a tackle! Knocked that asshole to the ground and latched onto his shoulder tight until I got there." Jay said impressed.

"That's my boy," Erin praised the dog. They both looked over at Molli then back at each other. Neither one knew what to say to her but they knew they had to try and reassure her. What she saw must have frightened her. Together they approached her. Jay sat on the step and Erin crouched in front of her.

"Hey sweetie. Why don't we go upstairs and get some lunch." Molli just stared at her a mixture of fright and disbelief in her eyes. "I know you're scared. It's okay. Your mom and the doctors are going to take good care of Jordan.  And you can help us take care of Alfie while we wait for them to come home okay?" 

Molli looked at Alfie. He sat patiently in front of her. She raised up her hand to stroke his fur and he licked at her face.

"You can hold Alfie's leash with me if you like." Erin tried, holding out the leash. Molli nodded slightly and took the leash with Erin. Jay and Erin passed relieved looks between them. Jay ran up ahead and held the door open. Alfie was glued to Molli's side the whole way up.

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