Chapter 13

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They'd bought the dog a cake.

Erin couldn't believe it. She was the first one to admit she spoiled and pampered Alfie but to watch a room full of grown ass men, men who took down criminals for a living, present a dog with a 'Happy Adoption Day' cake was a sight to behold. 

She also couldn't believe it had been three years since Hank had surprised her with Alfie.

She remembered how emotional she'd been, and then scared she'd made the wrong decision and wouldn't be a good mom for him. Now she couldn't imagine not having him in her life. That first spark of connection she'd felt to him had only grown stronger. He seemed to read her mind and anticipate her actions, always knowing when she needed an extra cuddle after an emotional case or when to back off when she needed space.  And he was even more protective of her than his daddy.

He'd brought her and Jay closer too. They'd bonded over the dog in a way she would have laughed at three years ago. Somewhere along the line Jay had moved in permanently and they'd become a little family.

But lately she'd gotten the sense that Jay didn't think their family was complete. She remembered their conversation in the kitchen the night they'd watched Molli after Jordan was hit by a car. He'd said he was good, kids or no kids. But she knew he'd changed his mind. She knew Jay wanted a family. He never pushed but she picked up on the little cues.  The way he'd crouch down and talk all sweet to the toddlers that came running up to pet Alfie when they walked him. The way he'd always find a minute to toss the ball with Jordan or take the time to have a pretend cup of tea with Molli on the front stoop and declare with enthusiasm that it was the best tea in the world.

He knew her history, her issues and she could see he tried to make sure she felt like she was enough for him. But after all he'd given her Jay deserved to have his needs met too. She knew he'd be an amazing father, she saw how he treated the kids they worked with. The way he treated Alfie. He had such empathy and compassion.  She could see him playing on the floor with his child like an overgrown kid, doing whatever was necessary to keep them safe, being there to listen when they were upset.  She wanted to believe his strengths could compensate for what she lacked. He'd given her so much so she wanted to give him a family. 

If she was being honest, her insides ached when she saw him with kids and his excitement around them was contagious. She'd caught herself looking longingly at the couples pushing strollers and walking their dogs when they took Alfie out for his walk despite her reservations that she wasn't cut out to be a mom. There was no doubt Alfie would enjoy a child. He'd grown into a gentle giant. He loved the attention from children and was gentle and affection with them. Long gone was the fearful pup who'd been abused by cruel men. Alfie was confident, content and incredibly obedient, save a few bad habits the boys in her unit had encouraged through sneaking him treats all the time.

The night she'd brought up having a baby to Jay she knew it was the right decision from the joy and excitement in his eyes. He'd tried to tamp it down, reassured her he was happy just the way they were, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her with or without kids. Said he was happy as long as there was a smile on her face.  But she could see the truth in his eyes.

So one night when they were making love Erin grabbed Jay's hand when he reached for the condom and stopped him. He looked at her, concerned he'd somehow rushed things. Erin just smiled reassuringly, if not a little nervously.

"We don't need that," she'd whispered. It took a moment for the smile to spread to Jay's eyes as he took in her meaning.

"Are you sure," he'd whispered. She knew he was trying to contain his excitement until he knew it was what she wanted too.

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