Chapter 10

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Erin stood with the fridge door open. She didn't have much food in the house, with their schedules they mostly ate out. She needed to feed Molli, but what?

"Maybe there's something in the bags Monica had? I brought them up," Jay suggested coming up beside Erin. "We can replace what we use later."

Erin nodded then glanced over at Molli. Jay had set her up on the couch watching cartoons. Alfie sat beside her and she sat petting his head. After a moment Alfie dropped his head into her lap. She hadn't said a word since witnessing the accident. Erin took a deep breath and looked at Jay. His expression mirrored hers. They could do this. They dealt with traumatized kids all the time at work. This really wasn't that different. They looked through the bags, put any food that would spoil in Erin's fridge, and set about making some lunch for the three of them.

It took a bit of coaxing to get Molli to eat but Jay had eventually made her laugh with his awful jokes and silly tricks he and Alfie had made up. Erin's heart swelled watching them. She loved seeing Jay like this, relaxed and goofy, such a contrast from how they needed to be at work. And Alfie wouldn't leave Molli's side. He seemed to sense her upset and want to make her feel better, protect her from it. Erin couldn't believe how gentle, loving and sensitive her pup was. After all he's been though, all the cruelty humans had done to him, he still was filled with a need to protect and love.

Shortly after they finished eating Monica called to check in. The news was encouraging but Jordan needed surgery. It would be some time before Monica would be able to leave and her husband was still waiting for a flight back to Chicago. Erin reassured her they could watch Molli as long as needed and after a brief chat with her Mom, Molli perked up further. Jay and Erin decided there was only one thing to do to keep Molli's mind occupied.

The park, followed by ice cream!

Molli loved the park and a bright smile lit her face when they told her where they were going. Molli helped Jay hold Alfie's leash and slipped her other hand into Erin's as they walked. Jay looked down at the four of them joined and an ache he didn't understand filled his chest. He shook the feeling off as they approached the park.

"Okay munchkin, where too first? Slide or swings?"

"Will you push me on the swings?" Molli asked shyly. "Please?"

Jay smiled, "Sure thing," he said waving his arm out for her to lead the way. Jay passed Erin the leash, "I get rewarded for this right? Pulling munchkin duty?" A cocky smile spread across his face and Erin threw her head back and laughed.

"No one asked you to stay Halstead, you can bail any time if this cramps your style so much," she teased.

"No cramps here, just hoping it will earn me some points? You know hot guy interacting with cute kid. Don't you girls like that stuff?" He winked at her.

Erin rolled her eyes and tried to suppress her smile. He didn't need encouragement. *Yeah we like it all right, especially when the guy is as hot as you*, she laughed to herself.

Enin and Alfie walked the perimeter of the playground, Alfie loved being active and outside, while Jay pushed Molli on the swings. Both Erin and Alfie would stop and watch, amused, every time Molli screeched with delight when Jay pushed her higher. After a few more minutes Molli announced she was going to climb up the jungle gym and go down the slide. The park wasn't busy so Erin and Jay took a seat on a nearby bench to watch her. Jay reclined against the bench throwing his arm up over the back of the seat behind Erin and absentmindedly played with her hair. Alfie lay at their feet. Molli climbed up the stairs, ran across the bridge and flew down the slide over and over calling "watch me this time Erin, watch how fast I go Jay!" Each time Jay and Erin would cheer her on.

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