Sal x Madeline (Part 2)

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Today was the third day in a row where you haven't been able to reach Sal. Things were always up and down between you two ever since you talked to him in the coffee shop, but it was never this bad. You decided to hop in your car and head to his house to confront him. It wasn't fair to leave you in the dark and ignore you for days on end. When you pulled up, his car was in the driveway which made you somewhat nervous. You weren't used to standing up for yourself to him; it always ended in an argument. The door was unlocked so you let yourself in. He was in the kitchen making breakfast when you found him. "Hello?" He turned around to see you standing in the doorway, putting the spatula on the counter. "How did you get in here?" "Your door was unlocked." There were two plates set up on the table, something was telling you that the second one wasn't for you. He looked his watch before walking over to you. "We need to talk, follow me." He had a different tone today, much more sympathetic than usual. You sat on the couch next to him, his hands folded in his lap. "So why have you been ignoring me?" You asked him rather aggressively. There was a pause before he stood up and crossed his arms, sitting back down in front of you on the coffee table. "Look, I didn't want to do this today. I don't even know how to say this. I feel terrible I really do-" "Just say it." "I met someone else." Your heart sank to the floor. Did you hear him right? "I didn't know how to tell you sooner otherwise I would have. I didn't want to lead you on like this." Bullcrap. He was so indirectly mean to you that this almost shouldn't surprise you at all. His head was down; he played this out so well. Pretending to care. You pushed the tears back, you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. That is, until you got up and left without saying goodbye. As soon as you started your car and drove away your eyes started to water. How could this have happened? You didn't want to go home. You didn't want to be alone in your thoughts. You checked your texts at a stoplight, Brian had texted you. Brian. Yes. Without replying you headed to his place, he would help. You've always liked Brian because he never let Sal get away with treating you like crap, when you were around him at least. More times than one he was your shoulder to cry on; this time was no different. You were on his doorstep before you knew it ringing the doorbell. "What happened?" Before any words could make it out of your mouth you started crying again. Frantically sobbing, if you will. He immediately pulled you inside, shutting the door behind you. "Please tell me what's going on," he said brushing the hair back from your face. You managed to gain some sort of control and explained everything. How he ignored you and how he admitted to having someone else. "Why do I feel so hard to love?" You questioned, the tears started coming again. He pulled you into his embrace, holding you tight against him. "Don't ever say that, you are not hard to love. He is just...he's Sal. He won't ever settle down." "I should have known. I'm so stupid." You tried to pull away from him but he held on to your shoulders to keep you in arms lengths. He looked at you in the eyes, trying to study you. Trying to figure out why you let someone so unworthy in. "I don't like girls that are stupid," he said. "Well then I guess you don't like me." "No, I mean, what I'm trying to say is that I like you. I've always liked you. I've always warned you about him but you never listened to me. I could have treated you better, I will treat you better." You stared up at him in shock at what he was saying. "You like me?" He nodded, "Yes, you." You moved closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He hugged your waist with his one arm, the other wiping the tears from your face. He lifted your chin up, kissing you. Maybe things weren't so bad...

Hope you like it!

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