Q x Reader

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"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS ACT LIKE THIS?!" Brian yells at you. You put your finger on your lips showing him to lower his voice as you point to the children who were sleeping down the hall. "Brian, I'm not acting like anything. If it's so important to hang out with the guys on your day off, go right ahead. I just thought that you would help with the kids but its fine. I've got it," You try to speak clearly and act as if everything is fine. He groans and you could have sworn you heard the pitter patter of feet but you shook it off knowing that your children are asleep. Sabrina watched her parents argue from the dark hallway. Although, at four years old she wasn't quite sure what was going on, she knew it wasn't good. She slowly watched as the two of you argued, shuttering every time her dad's voice was raised. You tried to stay calm but Brian was mad. He didn't understand how hard is it is to keep a five, four, and a one year old under control at all times. You had your kids young and Brian is still actively touring... a lot. He almost missed the birth of Sabrina and Bristol because of his crazy schedules. But you learnt to deal with it. "Brian! I'm not asking for part of your liver or something that important. All I'm asking for is a little help!" You try to explain. "Y/N, I'm trying my best. I'm supporting my family, I'm making my fans happy and I'm making management happy. What more do you want?" he asks. His voice was a loud growling sound. That made Sabrina shiver. She has never heard her dad talk like that nor did she ever witness the strange look on his face. She covered her mouth trying not to scream and continued to watch. "I just want you to spend time with your kids. Get to know them a little better. Because one day they're not going to be this small and innocent anymore. There will be girlfriends, boyfriends, drug introductions, teen parties. We both know what happens. Brian, all I'm asking is for a small break. I love those kids but I'm only one person and there are two of them. Please." You beg. "Please Brian." He grabs your shoulders and pushes you back in annoyance. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE Y/N. YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER!" Brian shouts as you fall backwards landing on your butt. You hear a gasp and your head quickly turns to the hallway where you see your four year old daughter standing. Tears were running down Sabrina's face as she clutched the small teddy bear in her hands. You quickly got onto your feet and ran towards your daughter lifting her up. "OH SABRINA!" You exclaim as you run a soothing hand through her hair trying to stop her tears. She sobs into your shirt as you walk her back into her room. You rub her back as you pace her room trying to get her to stop. "Sabrina, Mommy's okay. Mommy's okay. Don't cry beautiful." You coax as you untangled her black curls. She moved her head to look at you, the tear stains evident on her cheeks. "Daddy hurt you?" she asked. You shook your head. "No, no baby. Daddy didn't hurt me. He's just mad. Don't worry it'll all be better in the morning." You try to convince her. She shook her head and saw Brian standing in the doorway, Tear in his eyes. "You hurt Mommy!" Sabrina cried, pointing at her father. Brian's eyes went wide with guilt and you bit your lip. "Sabrina, Mommy is fine. Please stop crying. Please, sweetie." You begged, wiping the tears off your daughters face. She shook her head placing it on your chest. You tried doing everything you could to get her to stop while Brian stood exactly where he was minutes earlier with a pained expression plastered on his face. Sabrina's cries ended up waking your one year old, Bristol, and you groaned trying to figure out what to do. Brian turned on his heel and marched into your crying daughter's room to try soothing her. Eventually Sabrina stopped and fell asleep clutching onto your chest and placed her back into her bed and Brian was able to rock Bristol back to sleep as well. You watched him put his daughter back into his crib before listening to Brian speak. "I'm a horrible father. I'm a horrible husband. I'm just horrible." You heard his voice crack, He turned to face you the tears welling up in his eyes as you pulled him into a hug. "No, no you're not." You try to tell him but he shook his head as the wet patch on your shoulder grew larger. "My own daughter thinks I'm a monster and I had so much difficulty putting Bristol back to bed... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He cried into you. You feel the tears fall from your cheeks. "I forgive you. Shhh, it's okay." You rub small circles on his back. He sniffs and lifts his head placing his forehead on yours. "I'm going to make it up to you. I'll cancel my plans with the guys. You, I and the kids will have some bonding time. I promise." He whispers. You smile. "I love you." You whisper back. "I love you too. Forever."

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